Ill tell you why the Greeks are so f***ed.
Greece, is one of the corrupt countries in the world. When I lived there, and i'm going back in 2 weeks, there was a state owned hospital down the road from me. This hopsital is one of the top ones in Athens. I won't bore you by making you guess how many gardeners the hospital employed but it was 19. Yes thats 19 gardeners. At around 15,000 Euros each. Including pentions.
I will make you guess how many gardens it has...
Jobs for boys, the whole country is going to go down the toliet. The PM there is hated as he is really American, he can hardley speak Greek and had to have lessons when he was on the election trail. BUT, he does want to make serious reforms to the country.
Stoo mate, how much of this is a result of the Labour party? ğpersoanlyl I can't see the connection at all.