The Albion Roar
It's only just occured to me to think about it but surely the rent on a 3 bed house is more than a 2 bed house ? If so surely the occupants already pay more for that extra room whether they use it or not ?
It's about housing benefit.
If your bedroom is considered 'spare' you have 14% of your housing benefit cut. If you have two spare rooms, you get a 25% cut.
The rules that determine what is 'spare' is pretty rigid...
• Children of both sexes under 10 would be expected to share a bedroom. If they currently do not share and they remain in separate rooms, one of their rooms will be considered as a spare bedroom.
• Children of the same gender under 16 would be expected to share a bedroom.
• Couples and adults are entitled to have bedrooms of their own.
• If a bedroom (with or without furniture) is kept free for when a child comes to stay with a parent that they do not normally live with, this room will be considered as a spare bedroom.
• Bedroom Tax allowance for a child can only be claimed by one parent, even where they share access to the child.
• Extra bedrooms for medical reasons will not be allowed and will still be affected by the rules of Bedroom Tax e.g. a couple using separate bedrooms because one of them is ill or recovering from an operation.