Just watching 'Underage and Pregnant'. Two in three mothers between the age of 16 - 19 are not in any sort of training, education or employment... Christ.
What exactly are you getting at? They are mothers, stupid to get pregnant so young but the statistic doesn't mean a thing. Are these all unmarried mothers? Are they living with a partner who is supporting them or are they living with family who are suporting them? Have they all been given a council flat?
On the one hand should they all be out at work or, as some experts suggest, should they be bringing up their children as this could influence how their kids grow up?
60 years ago there probably was a statistic that said 90% of all mothers are not in any sort of training, education or employment. Why, because they are busy being mothers.
There has to be more information before you can make any worthwhile comment on that statistic which sounds like it is primed for the front page of the Daily Mail!!!!!