Do gooders? Well that would be the first time I've been called that.
In's and Outs's? He's caught driving whilst banned for DD ... you think he's gonna claim mistaken identity?
Fact is not only has he broken the law (and as mune said that can be forgiven in my book) he's then frigging well totally ignored it and carried on. One assumes he was in the squad to play and he's let the team down way more than Barnes/Vincelot for their actions which were either inoccent or a sudden rush of. This is someone in the public eye that represents the team and the City in what he does ... it's a real privilege, "most" in such a position know that and it comes with some level of responsibility. He's a prick
Sorry he's a friggin mug
I agree he's a prick anda mug But we all make mistakes in life
why should He lose his living as well Like i said let the law deal with him And Gus of course I dont think we should be forming lynch mobs on here