Also, what is a God? What makes you God? Creator? Saviour? Faith? Is it something only the soul can understand and not the human mind?
Good question - what is God? We tend to hold our original childish view of God, as an old, white-haired man sitting on a cloud trying to make us feel guilty. But it is religion which makes us feel guilty, but religion tampers with our conscience to try and do what is right. But is God a thing? Or is God the meeting of all our souls and all our minds? We know we have minds, but we can't physically examine anyone's mind. We talk of the soul, but what is the soul? That deep part of us where our humanity lives, where our conscience is active, where our fight for survival and procreation is instinctive. Some people claim to read others' minds. Perhaps they can, because perhaps we all share the same mind or soul, but mostly, our own "section" of this communal soul is locked off from everyone else's, so that we can live our independent lives, in this body, or in another.