Mustafa II
Well-known member
You are being sarcastic aren’t you?
I honestly can't fathom how one could interpret that as sarcasm.
You are being sarcastic aren’t you?
Ok, please explain why it would “be tragic for the planet, and possibly the universe, if we ceased to exist” ?I honestly can't fathom how one could interpret that as sarcasm.
Ok, please explain why it would “be tragic for the planet, and possibly the universe, if we ceased to exist” ?
Good topic for a genuine debate!From what we know about the universe, life is extremely rare. From what we know about life, advanced intelligence is extremely rare and unique to human beings on this planet.
It's not clear what the purpose of life and universe is, or if even there is one. But regardless, it is quite clear that life is special and that humans are, by some margin, the only species on earth capable of achieving whatever is needed to be achieved, through scientific, technological or other creative means.
If we ended, and all our creations, discoveries and inventions were forgotten, while the world returned to a primal landscape without technology or understanding, of course it would be utterly tragic.
What's your argument why it wouldn't be tragic?!
Yes. But we have been the only species that have done anything significant in the long history of life on the planet. In a short period of time 200 thousand years modern humans have completely changed the planet, walked on the moon and sent space craft throughout the solar system.The idea that humans can somehow 'destroy the planet' by being a bit grubby for a hundred years or so is absolutely laughable. The planet has been bombarded with apocalyptic-sized asteroids and comets for billions and billions of years. It's been through freezing and warming and huge extinction events many times before, and it's always been just fine. If humans do wipe ourselves out through climate change then it will be the equivalent of a human getting headlice for a few days and then treating them with that rank smelling headlice shampoo a couple of times, and that's the end of the problem, once the hair has recovered from the nasty chemical stuff it will be fine again in a couple of days, with no more headlice. The planet will go on perfectly fine for another few billion years, without the parasites that infected it for a tiny speck of time.
But in the long term the planet will end for life when the sun gradually ages, warms and expands. Humans are the only species that has lived on it that has the capability in the future to move somewhere else when it has too, if we are still here.Good topic for a genuine debate!
Human extinction might be tragic for humans but would be a relief for the planet. We have not contributed anything positive but have caused the extinction of endless species that would have otherwise thrived and we have even managed to alter the planet's temperatures, weather and sea levels in just a few hundred years. Everything we have 'achieved' has been entirely self serving for the benefit of the human race. We have even managed to turn space into a junk yard.
Returning the world to a 'primal landscape' wouldn't be tragic but would simply allow nature to return to where it left off before the human destroyers evolved. No one or no being (apart from humans) cares whether 'our creations, discoveries and inventions' are forgotten. Could you give me an example of one of these that has benefited anyone apart from humans AND/ OR has served to benefit the planet or non human inhabitants, apart from merely attempting to mitigate the negative impact of humans?
I agree that 'advanced intelligence is extremely rare and unique to human beings on this planet' (but perhaps as only we, as humans see it) but we have misused this intelligence to the self serving extent that the planet would be better off without it. Maybe that is the real tragedy?
That unfortunately will never happen - there is very little ‘natural’ self-sustaining landscapes left anywhere in the world and many of the species around before human habitation are now irrevocably extinct, including the habitat flora and fauna upon which they depended. Conversely, there have been hundreds of species that have evolved within the past 200,000 years alongside human occupation.Returning the world to a 'primal landscape' wouldn't be tragic but would simply allow nature to return to where it left off before the human destroyers evolved.
Brian Cox recently made a speech where he said that although other lifeforms in the cosmos cannot be ruled out , we are currently the only known , intelligent life and that if the human race was to perish then in theory that could leave a lifeless galaxy/cosmos whatever you want to call it ....soberring.Football would continue fine if BHAFC disappeared.
That doesn't make it a non-issue.
To humans, humanity is important - we all have other humans that we care about, and we all hold great value humanities achievements.
It would quite obviously be tragic for the planet, and possibly the universe, if we ceased to exist.
This planet at the current best scientific analysis is 4.5bn years old, give or take a margin of error of 50 million years. This best guess is based on the analysis of the oldest rock that has so far been tested. It will be a brave scientist that suggests there isn’t another rock out there that moves the dial.In the past warming took places over tens of thousands of years, it was a very slow process. The warming since the industrial revolution is happening at unprecedented speed and its speeding up.
Better to act now, we're worry about appleasing the 1% of clowns latter if it all turns out to be a hoax.
And then we can go and ruin another planet for our own benefit.But in the long term the planet will end for life when the sun gradually ages, warms and expands. Humans are the only species that has lived on it that has the capability in the future to move somewhere else when it has too, if we are still here.
I’ve never thought about the possibility that we have damaged the planet so much that it won’t recover with out our help. You might be right in the short term but as the planet thinks in terms of millions of years I think your apocalyptic vision will be only a short term blip.That unfortunately will never happen - there is very little ‘natural’ self-sustaining landscapes left anywhere in the world and many of the species around before human habitation are now irrevocably extinct, including the habitat flora and fauna upon which they depended. Conversely, there have been hundreds of species that have evolved within the past 200,000 years alongside human occupation.
While we have been busy being the most destructive species on the planet we have also altered ecosystems with so much artificial engineering to support our own survival, that many species that have thrived under human ‘guardianship’ would go extinct if we were ‘gone’ - including all domesticated animals, many bird species reliant on habitat management, including pest control and flood defences. Forest fires would rage unabated around the world because we were not there to distinguish them creating an ecological disaster of its own.
People talk about cities/infrastructure reverting back to nature but in truth, these ‘nature’ reversions around human infrastructure will largely consist of dominant and invasive, non-indigenous rambling plant species like Japanese knotweed and cotoneaster and other species that have been artificially introduced; like domestic cats (which will go feral, preying on vulnerable ground nesting birds; and RATS! Rats will be fcuking everywhere.
Creepers, such as Ivy and bindweed, brackens, nettles etc and trees that seed profusely (like Alder, Sycamore and Budlejas ) will throttle large swathes of the landscape - Nuclear facilities would start irradiating as they crumbled and plastics already accumulated in our seas and rivers would continue to release toxins into the environment when degrading for another thousand years because we wouldn’t be there to remove them.
Any one event ie an ELE, that destroys humanity is unlikely to leave much else surviving other than insects …and bacteria.
The biggest hope for our planet IMO, is actually us surviving but with a very significant fall in the world’s population growth, a commitment to zero fossil fuel use and removal of disposable plastics and other rubbish that has accumulated through the ecosystem as well as a radical curtailment of deforestation and other forms of habitat destruction.
I think we are the most dangerous animal on the planet but ironically, many species now depend on us for survival. Even if we are removed from the equation, I don’t think it would be the Eden people imagine - it’s too late for that imo.
We need to stay and clean up the mess we’ve made.
CF - I think I'll go with 99% of Scientific community, sorry...This planet at the current best scientific analysis is 4.5bn years old, give or take a margin of error of 50 million years. This best guess is based on the analysis of the oldest rock that has so far been tested. It will be a brave scientist that suggests there isn’t another rock out there that moves the dial.
So, I will keep an open mind on the “settled science” theory, Newton was right before Einstein. Before Newton we had evangelical religious nut jobs putting Galileo in prison for his theory that the earth went round the sun.
History indicates Enlightenment is relative.
Hence why the term Man Made Climate Change is used to refer to the impact humans are having on accelerating climate change.In the past warming took places over tens of thousands of years, it was a very slow process. The warming since the industrial revolution is happening at unprecedented speed and its speeding up.
Better to act now, we're worry about appleasing the 1% of clowns latter if it all turns out to be a hoax.
It does seem we've moved in from flat denial of man made climate change to its just too expensive to deal with.Hence why the term Man Made Climate Change is used to refer to the impact humans are having on accelerating climate change.
No climate scientists are arguing against the natural climate change, they're pointing out that we are massively accelerating it.
As you say, neither of us know the future butIt’s all speculation…and certainly not ‘visionary’ on my part - tbh I haven’t got a fcuking clue what the next 6 months is going to look like let alone in 2 million years time.
All I can say isthe
You're the 2nd troll to mention Soros I've read today. I'll say to you what I said to the other guy. Be careful of the anti-Jewish stuff. It's the main cause of the troll ban hammer. If you want to keep winding people up on here I'd avoid that line of rhetoric entirely.
Good question. None of CO2 agenda makes any sense. In instead of actual scientific discourse, we get banal propaganda messaging, from self appointed 'climate experts' and celebrity sock-puppets. Most of the hysteria is based on premise that CO2 is evil and is killing our planet, when the opposite is true. the huge shift away from fossil fuels being touted by global media i am rather non plussed at the news freely available on the net that China (43) and Japan (22) are building over 60 coal fired power stations between them, Indian info on new cfps is currently unavailable but i would imagine it would be equal to China , so, with Egypt and the UAE also planning to build new cfps .
With the hysterical bleatings from the enviro crowd re global warming , rising sea levels etc i cant help thinking that i'm missing something.
i mean with Europe hell bent on zero emissions wtf are the rest of the world up to ...??
Harold Shipman was a qualified Doctor.The members of this coalition are all qualified in actual science
What contribution did he make to the climate debate?Harold Shipman was a qualified Doctor.