Legacy Fan
- Aug 20, 2003
- 26,304
Just a PhD in computer science who runs a lot of models on stuff like this.
How does that make you an expert on climate change / global warming ?
Sorry misread -
He's clearly had enough of experts.The sign of a 'Real Scientist' is one who has an open mind to all possibilities and looks at the evidence from the various models and experts. Sadly, the way you bound terms around like Forams and Milankovitch Cycles around (Geology 101 terms, easily extractable from any climate change denier site), your 'f**k you all' attitude and the fact that you claim everyone who disagrees with you as idiots, comes across less as a scientist, more as the arrogant IT jerk in The Office.
Just for context, I too have a PhD, in Geology, and 30 yrs in the dirty old Oil Industry. Now, being in my early 50's and working in the fossil fuels business would in theory put me in the classic Climate Change denier venn diagram centre, but strangely no. The company I work for, and specifically the large technical team I manage does a lot of work with palaeo-climate models back to 300 mya, modelled using our input and proxy data (including your forams) by academic groups in the UK, USA and Scandanavia. I'm not at the coal face of climate modelling, but certainly in the mine. You are correct in saying the earth was much hotter and colder at times compared to today, about the only thing you've said that makes sense. Anyway, the main tasks of these various academic groups is actually forward climate modelling (they just apply them with modifications to deep time for us), and all of them have simulations, which we have seen, showing that man-made climate change is very, very real. The post-industrial rate of temperature rise is much higher than anything that could even be seen wothin the resolution of geological evidence (100s of years compared to at the very least 10s of 1000s of years), so your rapid heating/cooling arguement for a start is moot.
Is driving your land rover and taking long hauls flights going to change anything in the long or short term, no, so carry on (although I'm surprised your not worried about falling off the edge of the flat earth!), but dismissing peer reviewed science and calling those at least attempting to make some sort of change as idiots doesn't really win you the arguement does it?