Watching Nick Cave. 22 years ago. It feels very current, albeit he's been understandably badly affected since then by his son's death. But the staging and fashion? Bang on.
Watching Nick Cave. 22 years ago. It feels very current, albeit he's been understandably badly affected since then by his son's death. But the staging and fashion? Bang on.
Watching Nick Cave. 22 years ago. It feels very current, albeit he's been understandably badly affected since then by his son's death. But the staging and fashion? Bang on.
Saw Nick Cave in Sports Direct in North Street about 10 years back, he was trying to do " Keepy Uppy " with a ball while his boy looked on, had strangely skinny arms and weirdly dark hair.
His whole set from that night is on Amazon music.
I've been watching and listening to Bowie for the last twenty five minutes. Looks a bit like a smartened up skinny Robert Plant and singing like Anthony Newley with added vocal mannerisms, it's a good job he had a hot band. I just don't get what people saw in him. I liked him in the 70' for a while, and a smattering in the 80's but after that, not for me. But hey, each to their own.
I've been watching and listening to Bowie for the last twenty five minutes. Looks a bit like a smartened up skinny Robert Plant and singing like Anthony Newley with added vocal mannerisms, it's a good job he had a hot band. I just don't get what people saw in him. I liked him in the 70' for a while, and a smattering in the 80's but after that, not for me. But hey, each to their own.