To be fair Harry, if you were typing your statement with a sarcastic voice in your head it didn't convey that nuance on here. It simply sounded like the words of a Daily Mail reading gammon, which I assume you're not.
Muddying the waters. It’s a crazy nation, OJ Simpson walked after murdering his wife, with a top team of flamboyant lawyers wooing the jury and throwing nonsensical grenades into the raft of evidence.
Whatever the officer is guilty of - it’s not second degree murder and I’m stunned they are charging him with that, if he gets found guilty of that it will be taken to the highest courts possible on appeal.
I don’t see how a fair trial is possible with this much media hysteria over the issue, the jury and judge know if he were found not guilty there will be riots and mobs on the streets and as such - regardless of his guilt, how can this ever be a ‘fair’ trial? When those deciding his fate know the outcome if he were found not guilty?
Just to clarify I’m not saying he’s not guilty, I believe he is guilty of manslaughter, and I find it hard to believe any court could convict of any murder charge.
Exacty. And it's easy to say after someone calls you out that it was supposed to be an ironic joke...which as your post says, it didn't read like that.
I wonder if the defence team will tear into her in time honoured fashion, questioning her background, memory, brushes with the law, prior views on the police?
Hopefully irrelevant, the videos are a matter of fact.
Surely he was just demonstrating what may/ will most likely be said by the defence? Nothing to see here
Free the Harry one
Yes, you're both absolutely right - but I'm not going to join in the 'free Harry one' movement today. A while ago I posted a similarly sarcastic/ironic post on NSC - and got dog's abuse for it, just like Harry did on this one, from several posters - including one HWT!I can’t stand tackle but even I know he was being ironic [emoji2357]
Surely he was just demonstrating what may/ will most likely be said by the defence? Nothing to see here
Free the Harry one
Wow - Not the sort of post I would have expected from someone like you " H ". Others maybe but not you.
It's only a matter of time before everyone on this earth succumbs to some ailment or another. Everyone is entitled to their own lifestyle choices and that includes drug users. No one can be judge and jury over someone's lifestyle choices.
The police should be the " protectorate " of all the people. Not just those who have a lovely 2.5 children white family who go to church on Sunday and make charitable donations every year.
The police are the " Guardians " of the people. Not their " Executioners "
Sadly I think he will get found not guilty. You have Republican Senators in the US Senate only 2 weeks ago saying something along the lines of " We have a saying in Texas - Find an old oak tree, get a rope and hang em high "
That's Republican Lawmakers in 2021 who faced no consequences for that statement and that Senator had around 80% popularity when he was elected . So if that's the type of people voting in the US then I am under no illusions that at least one of those Jurors will find Chauvin , " Not Guilty " because he only needs one.
Yes, you're both absolutely right - but I'm not going to join in the 'free Harry one' movement today. A while ago I posted a similarly sarcastic/ironic post on NSC - and got dog's abuse for it, just like Harry did on this one, from several posters - including one HWT!
What goes round comes around .............
Yes, you're both absolutely right - but I'm not going to join in the 'free Harry one' movement today. A while ago I posted a similarly sarcastic/ironic post on NSC - and got dog's abuse for it, just like Harry did on this one, from several posters - including one HWT!
What goes round comes around .............
Exacty. And it's easy to say after someone calls you out that it was supposed to be an ironic joke...which as your post says, it didn't read like that.
Sadly I think he will get found not guilty. You have Republican Senators in the US Senate only 2 weeks ago saying something along the lines of " We have a saying in Texas - Find an old oak tree, get a rope and hang em high "
It goes beyond manslaughter IMO.
"Second-degree murder is defined as murder that is not premeditated, or murder that is caused by the offender's reckless conduct that displays an obvious lack of concern for human life."
Yup. I reckon that about covers it.
Interesting one , I knew he was an absolute wrongen but wasn't aware of the heart condition or that he had swallowed drugs.
Not sure they wuld be able to find it not guilty due to what will happen on the streets though
His background is irrelevant, in judging whether the officer’s actions were justifiable.
His heart condition is irrelevant.
His lifestyle choices are irrelevant.
The social impact of the verdict should be irrelevant.
Don’t fall into the trap, that the prosecution will inevitably set, for the easily-led and the prejudiced.
Come on. My post was a parody of the views of others who have trotted out excuses, labeling the dead man a 'wrongun' etc.
Amazing how some people fail to recognise a murder when the victim has a criminal past. That's the same mentality that labeled one of the yorkshire ripper's victims, who happened not to be a prostitute, an 'innocent' victim. I personally find it sickening but unsurprising that a certain type think 'black man, drugs, deserved what he got, nothing to see here'.
Christ almighty.
There are already the usual bellends on here showing their true selves.
Shame really because Easy 10 posted a brilliant summary early in the thread of the court case and how it will probably go. All downhill from there.
Come on. My post was a parody of the views of others who have trotted out excuses, labeling the dead man a 'wrongun' etc.
Amazing how some people fail to recognise a murder when the victim has a criminal past. That's the same mentality that labeled one of the yorkshire ripper's victims, who happened not to be a prostitute, an 'innocent' victim. I personally find it sickening but unsurprising that a certain type think 'black man, drugs, deserved what he got, nothing to see here'.