I don't think he's been cross examined yet, they're on lunch
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Just seen the cross examination of that witness. Good as the defence counsel are. They never managed to shake his testimony in the slightest.
I don't think he's been cross examined yet, they're on lunch
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Just seen the cross examination of that witness. Good as the defence counsel are. They never managed to shake his testimony in the slightest.
Putting aside the 'fair trial' arguments and looking at he ramifications of this trial on the city, Mineapolis council have dug their own grave here. They can't afford to convict Chauvin and they can't afford to aquit him. If they convict him, they will never be able to refund their police force which they are actively trying to do after foolishing defunding it entirely. If they aquit him, riots will ensue though i suspect riots will ensue for any verdict that doesn't put Chauvin on death row anyway. Shitty situation all around. I reckon he'll be aquited though.
if he's acquitted it will make last year look like a 9 year olds birthday party .......
A very similar case saw the acquittal of the Police officers.
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The link says:
Today,the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office dismissed charges of misdemeanor deadly conduct against Dallas Police Sgt. Kevin Mansell and Officers Danny Vasquez and Dustin Dillard in the death of 32-year-old Rockwall native Anthony Timpa.
This case was the result of Timpa’s death, who was arrested for erratic behavior and later died at a hospital.
The Dallas County Medical Examiner ruled the death a homicide, saying Timpa died of cardiac arrest caused by the effects of cocaine and the stress of physical restraint.
On December 6, 2017, the case was presented to the Grand Jury. Presentation of the case lasted two days, and included testimony of three medical examiners, including Dr. Nizam Peerwani, a medical examiner hired by the family. The Grand Jury had concluded the officers engaged in reckless conduct that placed Timpa in imminent danger of serious bodily injury.
Today’s decision to dismiss the charges was made following a lengthy investigation and determination as to the official cause of death of Timpa on August 10, 2016.
Dallas County Criminal District Attorney John Creuzot met with all three medical examiners regarding their findings. They stated they do not believe the officers acted recklessly.
Additionally, they cannot, and will not, testify to the elements of the indictment beyond a reasonable doubt.
Creuzot met with family members and their attorney last Thursday to inform them of the decision.
Putting aside the 'fair trial' arguments and looking at he ramifications of this trial on the city, Mineapolis council have dug their own grave here. They can't afford to convict Chauvin and they can't afford to aquit him. If they convict him, they will never be able to refund their police force which they are actively trying to do after foolishing defunding it entirely. If they aquit him, riots will ensue though i suspect riots will ensue for any verdict that doesn't put Chauvin on death row anyway. Shitty situation all around. I reckon he'll be aquited though.
if he's acquitted it will make last year look like a 9 year olds birthday party .......he will be found guilty of manslaughter and there will be an immediate appeal , his mental health will no doubt be used/called into question ........it's going to be a circus.
If he is acquitted then we are back in the realms of Lynching on the Court House Lawns - It would send a signal that under no circumstances can a Policeman be convicted of killing a black man or woman, no matter what evidence there is.
Cannot see him being aquited. I seriously hope not anyway. Would be a gross travesty of justice and the ensuing riots would cause countless other deaths. They would spread to the UK too
I have hope that justice prevails.
What has this country got to do with a trial in America?
What has this country got to do with a trial in America?
I tend to agree with you.
Imho Chauvin is as guilty as hell, I hope he’s found guilty of murder. I am concerned though that a lone juror might be blind or dim to huge weight of evidence.
Either way, why should this lead to rioting in the UK? Rioting is not something anyone from their UK armchair should get rather excited about .... businesses get destroyed, livelihoods destroyed, people are hurt. Croydon 2011 shows this. Who exactly gained from that. No one.
Sadly he's going to get away with it one way or another. Imagine if a Black police officer had killed a white suspect in this way then imagine the legal consequences, would the Black policeman have just been sacked ? The racism in this case is pretty damned obvious and unless there is a major sea change in US societal racism then all that is left is rioting and insurrection until things change. UK society is a microcosm and echo chamber for what happens in the US. Yes, you can say that rioting and mob violence is wrong but if things do not change then what options are left as a way for people to protest ?
The current governments recent " Report " in to racism was a report by numbers that simply does not address the issues in any way. You only have to see the Twitter feeds of BAME footballers if their team has lost to see this, almost every post from Dianne Abbott is followed by a tide of racist vitriol, eventually very bad things are going to happen.
If there is one deaf, dumb and blind juror who ignores all the evidence, they can still convict with a majority verdict, surely?Imho Chauvin is as guilty as hell, I hope he’s found guilty of murder. I am concerned though that a lone juror might be blind or dim to huge weight of evidence.
If there is one deaf, dumb and blind juror who ignores all the evidence, they can still convict with a majority verdict, surely?