trouble is the ‘lawn’ looks a complete and utter eyesore right now. i appreciate late Aug early Sept would be better but not sure i can live with this mess all summer, plus as it is it’s a great weed seed bed. Also sort of hoping the fleece may help eliminate some of the drying by wind.
Good point.
I'm soon to give up on that particular 'fight'. A few short years ago, after a lot of prep, I made an amazing lawn, lush, flat, with no weeds. Perfect for football.
Gradually, Bird's Foot Trefoil and a long list of other weeds, plus moss have taken over. The spring and autumn weed/feed regimes, scarifying, deep aeration of mossy areas, all made minimal difference. Lawns are unnatural and they suffer in our hot dry summers.
So in the autumn I'm digging up the lot, planting an apple and pear orchard, in the midst of a seeded native species meadow.