Read a theory that it was compromising photos of the home secretary and bodyguard. Seems a good GUESS - the bomb seems a little obvious.Was the bomb in the case, are we to assume it was?
I'm not so sure about that. He would in a Hollywood film but this is Jed Mercurio, he doesn't tend to do the obvious
I'm having a problem with the thought of a previous Home Secretary shagging her bodyguard
Am enjoying but the writer only had to look back 10years for the script - remember, the then home security’s wife had an affair with one of his protection officers.
Jacqui Smith ?Amber Rudd?
Amber Rudd?
Could you imagine a protection officer sleeping with Theresa May when she was Home Sec but nonetheless its quite enjoyable.
Am enjoying but the writer only had to look back 10years for the script - remember, the then home security’s wife had an affair with one of his protection officers.
My guess is the bodyguard is being set up by the security forces or Number ten. It will be interesting to see who the wife's boyfriend is and if they have anything to do with the plot. Is the Home Secretary dead? I would not be surprised as the writer has a habit of killing off lead characters, usually before now. Anyway most enjoyable.
I hadn't even thought about the wife's boyfriend but you may well be right. My theory, probably totally off the wall, is that the Rob MacDonald character is setting up Tahir Mahmood so that he looks inefficient, but is there more to it than that? Strange that Tahir appeared with the briefcase, given to him by Rob MacDonald, and he was cleared as being "safe" and accepted that he needed to give the Home Secretary papers due to errors in the speech, and then someone appears to her left and the bomb goes off.....!! Loving it even if I am totally wrong. Unsure if she is dead or alive.
Who was the person with the briefcase at the side of the stage? They must be dead, surely? Tahir appeared, later, unscathed?
Who was the person with the briefcase at the side of the stage? They must be dead, surely? Tahir appeared, later, unscathed?
'My guess is the bodyguard is being set up by the security forces or Number ten. It will be interesting to see who the wife's boyfriend is and if they have anything to do with the plot. Is the Home Secretary dead? I would not be surprised as the writer has a habit of killing off lead characters, usually before now. Anyway most enjoyable.
Tahir and yes he is suspected as the suicide bomber. No he didn't appear later unless you are confusing him with the Asian detective?
Last nights episode points to number ten ...but then if he was being set up why was his gun moved ..and blanks put in it...thats kind of like 'unsetting' him up