The Clamp
Well-known member
On a serious note, listening to the PM just now, he's hell bent on Freedom Day (actually using the term). I think he's right.
OK, close your dropped jaws. There are caveats.
Unfortunately...he is under pressure from other voices that see the delta variant and numbers of cases now skyrocketting and want to be cautious. So I expect more dither, plan changing, confusing advice and some members of the public imagining face and space and masks are still required while others deduce it's a free for all, with each side phoning R5 to rant and rave or emote and cry. And also there will be sudden changes to travel rules, quarantine....and on it will go.
It is going to continue to be a mess.
I agree with the PM because the new variant is nothing like as lethal as the original. It looks to me to be less lethal (% of cases who die) than ordinary flu, albeit this may be partly due to the intensive treatment protocol we have for Covid that is not matched by flu intervention. With the mass vaccination, there is no reason why cases and hospitalizations (and risk of death) should not be restricted from now on to the daft anti vaxxers, ignorant and largely old members of the south Asian 'community', and the very, very unlucky ones who cannot be vaccinated for genuine reasons and have co-morbidities such as old age, immunosuppression etc (these people should receive all the support necessary from the taxpayer so they can stay safe).
With my caveat above, and continued mass vaccination and diligence over getting vaccine upgrades with each new variant (which I think is already in place in the UK) I'd be happy for life to go back to normal, tomorrow. Can anyone point out any flaws in that logic?
And back to Boris, unfortunately the bungling and mind-changing will continue. His answers about how he went from backing Handoncock to replacing him without explanation in the blink of an eye, today, does not bode well for those who like a leader who decides and sticks rather than a leader who twists and twists (to coin a glib ersatz quasi-Borisism).
Has Johnson got a target amount of profit he and his chums needs to make out of Lockdown/Covid before they can call a halt to it? When the lockdown ends so does the profit. And the questions start being asked.
Already Tory's are dropping hints about a third vaccination to beat the winter wave of covid. Lockdown until we are all triple jabbed? I wouldn't bet against it.