The world has gone mad. Next thing, they will frown upon rubbing yourself up against a young bit of totty on a crowded bus
I'm 57 years of age BTW

I'm 57 years of age BTW
Not saying it's right, but maybe not as bad as being seduced by your teacher.....
I'm not saying you called the older generation sexist, but you did.
Anyone with half a brain and a modicum of respect would have already banned themselves from doing this. Why does it take the government to force us to respect each other?
It's a generational thing. I'm 38 and don't know anyone who would even consider doing it.
Wait for the older generation to retire and die and it will fade out. (Not saying all older generation are sexist btw but in my experience it is)
Same as racism really. It's only people brought up thinking it's acceptable are ones who are/do it.
It will die a death as society evolves in my opinion.
Plenty of lads on building sites still doing it, nothing to do with the older generations
I love the pretence that a wolf whistle has ever been about anything other than making women feel uncomfortable.
It's a shame evolution hasn't got rid of it already.
It's getting there though, I reckon. Signs outside building sites about the construction firm employees taking seriously their ethical and social responsibilities have been around for years. Also, is it very common at all in the UK? I mentioned in jest the old-fashioned 'phwoarr' sign with the arms that's now gone forever.
I don't think I've heard one for some time (no surprise there - right?) It certainly wouldn't be top of my legislative agenda.
total bollocks. You maybe are not that into birds or have lad mates is all that says.
Groups of blokes act up to the opposite sex and let them know about it.
I tell you what's died a death - the good-old fashioned British phwoarr with one arm in the bend of the other. To the rest of the world it's an insult but in this fair isle it used to be a subtle way of conveying your admiration for the fairer sex.
Any bloke with half a brain who is on the pull should know that leering at women or wolf whistling at them will not make a woman find them attractive.