portlock seagull
Well-known member
- Jul 28, 2003
- 18,603
Yes, it's all a conspiracy dear. Just like in 1986 when it all came to NOTHING!No one has got the wrong idea. It's quite clear what is going on.
Yes, it's all a conspiracy dear. Just like in 1986 when it all came to NOTHING!No one has got the wrong idea. It's quite clear what is going on.
I think you mean gas doug, not oil.
You talk about the chemicals used in a knowledgeable manner - are you a professional chemist/toxicologist?
You can get gas and oil from fracking i believe.
Nice to see the Police digging their knuckles into protesters faces in the Guardian coverage. The rozzers really do themselves no favours do they? Vile.
You can get gas and oil from fracking i believe.
The last protester I heard interviewed said in an american accent " This fracking site is only 2 fields away from the Ardin Lee reservoir" Sums it up really.
yep. aside from the non-local, is the lack of knowledge. the reservior is about a mile away and collects surface water out of the Ouse, so not about to be contaiminated by a 2 mile deep drill.
we could try wave power/tidal power
plenty of sea and rivers out there
maybe King Canute had it right
actually Canute is spelled without the a and the e
but the bloody censor won't allow me to spell it that way because it looks and sounds naughty PHAAAAAAAAAA
And the company confirmed yesterday the site was not really suitable for oil extraction which is all they have been testing so far, no fracking
And the cover up starts to unravel .....
The Environment agency:“The Environment Agency would not allow hydraulic fracking to take place in an area where there are aquifers used to supply drinking water.
“If there were sensitive ground waters present in an area where a company wanted to carry out hydraulic fracturing, we would object during the company’s planning application and refuse to grant an environmental permit.”
Cameron yesterday: “There is no reason why fracking should cause contamination of water supplies or other environmental damage if properly regulated.”
Who do you trust? A regulated body trusted to look after the environment, or someone who's in it for the money? Ummm.