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18694 was their highest attendance 97-8 season and it was against Man ure so I guess they brought a few
Oh Dear
Some Barnsley fan’s are upset over COG comments.
“I will always give everything, no matter who I’m playing for, but having played for Leicester City and Sheffield Wednesdayin the past, I know what it’s like to play for a big club – and Brighton certainly fall into that category.
For **** sake, COG..****-sake-COG
I don't know that's it the fact that he called Brighton big that is the problem, it's that he named 2 previous clubs as examples and not us.
“I will always give everything, no matter who I’m playing for, but having played for Leicester City and Sheffield Wednesday in the past, I know what it’s like to play for a big club – and Brighton certainly fall into that category.
There was no need for the Leicester and Wednesday part of his comments. I don't really care, but I saw it and thought it was worth sharing. and Brighton aren't a big club. Never have been, and unlikely to ever be.
Jimmy cricket
Looking at things in the here and now is perhaps not the way to look at things though. I mean Swansea were beastly out of business 20 years ago. Who knows where they will be 20 years from now. Having spent a lot of time round Brighton for family reasons. It's not a particularly fervent place for football. They have even had to basically invent a rivalry against Palace to find a derby.
Conan Troutman
In 1997-8 we had a bigger average gate than Brighton, Cardiff, Hull and Swansea combined.
That's massive.
Isn't ever club in Yorkshire massive!
Why do some get so upperty about a club's perceived 'bigness'.
It's a very subjective and abstract concept, particularly when ancient history starts being dragged into it.
I think a clubs "bigness" is sometimes dependent on their trajectory. It could be argued that with the investment in the AMEX, the new training facilities and our consistent top half finishes in the championship over the last three seasons that we are an actively upwardly mobile club ergo we are, or becoming, a "big club". Then compare this to Barnsley who have stuggled in the Championship and have now been relagated to a lower division...
For what its worth I don't think we are a "big" club and it doesn't have any effect what so ever on my desire to support the club.
oh dear
some barnsley fan’s are upset over cog comments.
“i will always give everything, no matter who i’m playing for, but having played for leicester city and sheffield wednesday in the past, i know what it’s like to play for a big club – and brighton certainly fall into that category.
For **** sake, cog..****-sake-cog
i don't know that's it the fact that he called brighton big that is the problem, it's that he named 2 previous clubs as examples and not us.
“i will always give everything, no matter who i’m playing for, but having played for leicester city and sheffield wednesday in the past, i know what it’s like to play for a big club – and brighton certainly fall into that category.
There was no need for the leicester and wednesday part of his comments. I don't really care, but i saw it and thought it was worth sharing. And brighton aren't a big club. Never have been, and unlikely to ever be.
Jimmy cricket
looking at things in the here and now is perhaps not the way to look at things though. I mean swansea were beastly out of business 20 years ago. Who knows where they will be 20 years from now. Having spent a lot of time round brighton for family reasons. It's not a particularly fervent place for football. They have even had to basically invent a rivalry against palace to find a derby.
Conan troutman
in 1997-8 we had a bigger average gate than brighton, cardiff, hull and swansea combined.
That was massive.
Personally, I quite enjoy it when fans see us as a small club. The annoyance that comes with losing to little old Brighton is great value
I still see clubs like Wigan and Reading as tinpot (even though they have been above us in that time)as that is what they were when i was growing up.
Isn't ever club in Yorkshire massive!
Yes, it's the law. Every Yorkshire club is Massive
Actually, for fun, can anyone name a club in Yorkshire that isn't MASSIVE ? Other than York City, of course...