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[Film] Film 2023


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2012
A definite improvement. There were also things in the DC like the robot sentries which were great, especially as ammo ran down, that added a lot to the film.

As a side note, a friend of mine was a model maker on the film - he and his team spent months on crafting various things that the SFX people destroyed literally in seconds, much to their dismay - and as a joke he did a red neon BAR sign, sneaked onto the exterior of the base, which you can see in the background when Spunkmeyer lands. It was only spotted by the powers that be when it was too late to do anything about it (before the days of CGI removing things like that) but apparently they liked it anyway, which was a relief for my chum!

The Clamp

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 11, 2016
West is BEST

Cate Blanchett as a narcissistic music maestro whose careful lies and manipulation unravel through a series of quite public, crass choices.

Meh, it was okay. Interesting to watch in parts but I don’t rate Blanchett as much as some do. Bit of a one trick pony I think. She always looks like a disapproving girlfriend. I bet even her vagina has a frown.

Not nearly as good as it thinks it is.



New whizz banger with Gerard Butler as Flight Captain Torrance.

When an electrical fault sends his plane and passengers, including an in transit murderer, crashing onto an island somewhere near the Philippines they find themselves having to team up to make contact with the outside world while fending off warring militia.

I’m a fan of Butler but the once ripped Spartan is starting to show his age here. In some of the action scenes he really is struggling. I think his hard living has rendered him a bit hefty and a bit wheezy.

Nevertheless, I love a good brainless action film and they don’t come much more brainless than Plane.

Good fun.


Stat Brother

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 11, 2003
West west west Sussex
Aye, had to make a decision. But I've never had the chance to see Aliens on a big screen before. I was on the Aliens FB fanpage but got banned because I took umbridge and criticised some gun porn posts (someone in Missouri posted a AR-15 mag they'd added an Aliens logo on, saying look at this how cool). Apparently, political posts not allowed but glorifying a mass shooter weapon on a film board dedicated to a fictional, make believe movie is ok.
Anyways, after the movie I shall go home to watch MOTD blind.
Agree about Newt's annoying scream, actually think that whole scene wasn't needed. Director's cut does improve greatly on the theatrical though.
So you're going to listen to MOTD?


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2012
Interesting to watch in parts but I don’t rate Blanchett as much as some do. Bit of a one trick pony I think. She always looks like a disapproving girlfriend. I bet even her vagina has a frown.

Not nearly as good as it thinks it is.
I'm so pleased someone else has the same view on Blanchett! She was interviewed on Kermode & Mayo's podcast and she came across so grumpy and earnest, and, yes, generally disapproving to use one of your well-chosen words, @The Clamp !


We're in the pipe, 5 by 5
Oct 27, 2008
Still in Brighton
A definite improvement. There were also things in the DC like the robot sentries which were great, especially as ammo ran down, that added a lot to the film.

As a side note, a friend of mine was a model maker on the film - he and his team spent months on crafting various things that the SFX people destroyed literally in seconds, much to their dismay - and as a joke he did a red neon BAR sign, sneaked onto the exterior of the base, which you can see in the background when Spunkmeyer lands. It was only spotted by the powers that be when it was too late to do anything about it (before the days of CGI removing things like that) but apparently they liked it anyway, which was a relief for my chum!
I do remember the bright red BAR sign standing out! My avatar means I have to correct you though, it's Corporal Ferro who is the pilot.

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
Worst TV film (on now), Shaloko, with Sean Connery, Brigitte Bardot and Eric Sykes. Acting so wooden it has bark.

Stat Brother

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 11, 2003
West west west Sussex
I keep promising myself I'm going to stop these links as I'm sure they go nowhere, so hopefully this'll be the last time.

'Garbage Lads'.

In honour of Guy Ritchie's new film the (American) boys talk through our history of crime, violence and comedy.
I'm halfway through and they've already hit most of the checkpoints. Brighton Rock,
Get Carter, Long Good Friday, Sexy Beast et al.

So far it's been a great listen.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2012
I assume no-one else has been to see Evil Dead Rise yet?

Saw it this afternoon from a mostly empty Cineworld at the Marina, and was surprised at how subtle and restrained it was...

No, hang on, I didn't mean that, I meant completely batshit bonkers, and the amount of blood in particular used must've cleaned out the normal suppliers for weeks! The writer and director Lee Cronin stated the film used over 6,500 litres (about 1,717 gallons) of fake blood. Set in an LA apartment block, there IS a nod back to the cabin in the woods, but it was nice to have a different location for a change. The SFX on the whole were really good, and if you've seen the trailer you'll have an idea about the odd bits and pieces. It's executive produced by Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell, and is supposed to be a follow up to the 2013 reboot which I can't remember if I've seen or not (which probably says a lot!).

Good fun and definitely intriguing to see how it all plays out, and how certain characters get out of certain situations if you like this sort of thing, lots of squishy, gushy bits and pieces, but don't be like the person I heard in the cinema, clearly dragged along, who said "Oh, good lord!!" at a mild horror bit in a trailer beforehand. If you don't like body horror, jump scares and general icky mess, give this one a wide berth. Those of you that do, it's a fun 97 minutes!


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 15, 2008
I assume no-one else has been to see Evil Dead Rise yet?
Had intended to go last weekend, or maybe the one before but struggled to find either the time or motivation. Will hopefully see it this weekend. Woud have watched it tonight, but because it is on next week and another film is ending after tomorrow, I instead went to see...

Polite Society
From the creator of the excellent, but little known channel4 series 'We Are Lady Parts' is a story of two british asian sisters, the younger of whom dreams of being a stunt person, the older of who had previously had dreams of art school, but dropped out. The older sister is set up with an arranged marriage, and the younger sister is suspicious about the suitor and his mother's intent. It is rather fun, it's quite whimsical in places, and wtf in others. I'm sure my description of it doesn't really do it justice, the film seems to lack discipline with regard to genre, but for me that made it all the more enjoyable.

Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3
I really loved this one. Feels like "it's a return to form for Marvel" - though is probably just James Gunn remaining consistent as he returns to finish out his Guardians trilogy. His social media has teased that they won't all survive I won't say if that is to prepare the audience for what happens with his final trilogy, or just to make people worry for the safety of the characters in the action set pieces

It felt like a very fitting conclusion the the story of these particular guardians (the comic book line up has changed over the years, it's likely that any future, James Gunn-less guardians films will change the line up). I found it highly emotional. Seems my friend was less enthusiastic about it so maybe I was just in the right mood/click with James Gunn's storytelling.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
We sat and watched a couple of films last night, first up was The Pope's Exorcist. It's all been done to death before, and better. Very slow at first and then just stupid. 4/10.

Dungeons and Dragons: Honour among thieves, really enjoyed this. Some decent humour, good action scenes, entertaining characters and the nods to the original 80's cartoon were a really nice touch. I really hope they do a proper movie with Eric, Bobby, Uni, Venger etc. 7/10

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