i dont get it people being scared of flying
it's not the flying i'm scared of; it's the falling 30k feet to my death that gives me the jeepers
anyway, some interesting responses here, cheers.
Easy way out....wait till the crashing plane is two feet from the ground...then just step out...it's only a two foot drop!
That's a shame, sounds like whoever you saw wasn't a good 'un…I had hypnotherapy but that was trash...
I really like flying meself. That said, I do have a fear of the 'plane I'm on crashing...
I used to take a portable DVD player on those flights. Now I just watch something on the laptop. Must get an ipad.I do a lot more flying these days than I used to. I have no fear of flying, I just find it tedious now that the novelty has worn off. The hanging around airports, the sitting bored on planes with nothing to do. It's probably because most of the flying I do is 4-5 hour flights. Not short enough to be quick short haul, but not long enough to get the entertainment systems you get on long haul flights.