surrey jim
Not in Surrey
add as a friend, try and keep publicity up
Bad Ash said:I received a chain email regarding Madeleine which gave an 0800 Crime Stoppers number. Personally I was confused about it and as I doubt anyone who is over here is really in a position to help.
Billy the Fish said:It's good to see thast Ratpack are taking time out from playing raves to help with the cause
Seriously though, what good is this really going to do, most people that use myspace are illiterate and would probably struggle to find shoes in a shoebox, let alone a lost child
Indeed.surrey jim said:im guessing as you add to friends and family who may be abroad someone will see who has info but may not know she is missing (as LB said on a prev thread its really only in press here and in Portugal) so if someone sends to a friend in spain (for example) they may have info
Lord Bracknell said:Indeed.
Just as no-one in this country has been following the case of 11-year-old Alexander Meshisvili, who went missing in the northern Greek village of Verria in February last year. It has been a massive story in Greece for a very long time. And no doubt in Georgia as well - which is where his family come from.