Apologies for the precautionary move - there are terms in this thread that would alert the Google 'bad words' robots.
Apologies for the precautionary move - there are terms in this thread that would alert the Google 'bad words' robots.[/QUOTE
Needed a way of getting what happened some exposure and appreciate we have NSC to help with that. Thank you for being so patient with this thread and I hope you can keep it live so I can report any replies I get from the authorities, sure some people will be interested to see what the man has to say.
Until then I'll leave it alone because it's served it's purpose, thanks to everyone who has sent messages in support, I don't know what can be said to the cynics and wind up merchants (their arguments and points of view have defeated me with their sophistication and intelligence)
with dogs bollocks on
how people on here can defend what goes on at Dukes Mound is beyond me.I dont give one cahoots if people are gay or not.I do however care about public decency and the impression this sort of behavior gives to visitors to this city.
"managed toleration" is just a bloody pathetic excuse by those in power to do sod all because they they are scared!
some people on here are so two faced its untrue,if someone moaned on here they got punched in the gob at the match and i said"you went to a football match what do you expect?" i would naturally expect to be shot down in flames,yet somehow its perfectly ok to say to the OP you walked through Dukes Mound what do you expect
No doubt if the OP had just been walking through the area and some bloke had stood in the pathway and flashed his manhood at the family NSC would be up in arms and be helping all and sundry with helping catch the pervert.........but because he was actually shagging someone up the botty this becomes acceptable behaviour and it somehow brings into question why the OP was even there?or even better grow up and explain the birds and the bees to your children
f***ing madness
@Chris001 i for one think you should follow this through to the end,dont give up until you get positive replies from the police and council
You imagination is wrong as I have a 20 yr and 15 yr old and also your parenting is as pointed out crap.
Anyway I am sure we will all know who you are when you get to that dream of being front page news as Mr and Mts Outraged from Worthing
You imagination is wrong as I have a 20 yr and 15 yr old and also your parenting is as pointed out crap.
Anyway I am sure we will all know who you are when you get to that dream of being front page news as Mr and Mts Outraged from Worthing
My wife says, you seem to be a really angry man, you must be very unhappy and she wishes you well. (Genuinely feels sorry for you)
Seek help
why should someone seek help because they dont agree with your point of view? You really are worthing's finest strange how people find their natural home.
I'd suggest you have no life as all that happens is you do exactly what your wife says all day long.
Looking forward to knowing who you are once you make front page news in some local tat rag
I'd suggest you have no life as all that happens is you do exactly what your wife says all day long.
Looking forward to knowing who you are once you make front page news in some local tat rag
BH, are you drunk/stoned? The reason I ask is because I have to read your posts a couple of times before I actually understand them, don't get me wrong I get there in the end but the way you construct sentences and write stuff makes it difficult understand. I find it's always best to read it back to yourself before you post it, after all it would be a shame if after 52,800 posts nobody had a clue what you are trying to say.
Yes of course we had mobiles, we were shock but didn't think it was a 999 situation. Not only that we had a 10 year old with us who was traumatised, my wife and I couldn't talk openly about and were desperately trying not to make a fuss for her sake. I expected to see the police not too far away but none were about.
The thing is you don't know what to do, my wife didn't want to talk about it in front of the girls so we had to suppress it until much later when they were home and out of earshot.
People having a shag in broad daylight is not really on but you are making a fuss about nowt really. I walk past that spot you described on my to the marina about 3 times a week and have lived in Brighton 15 years. I've NEVER seen anyone bumming there. People have an odd idea about Kemptown. It is far from how people imagine. Frankly I don't know why it is regarded as the gay part of Brighton. The gayers hang out at the bottom of St James Street and the Old Steine. Kemptown has one gay (The Barleymow)pub that I know of and that is more traditional than most others in Brighton.
I always love the "What am I suposed to say to my children. How do I explain it to them". I don't give a shit mate, you had the kids you figure it out.
You expected to see the Police? You really don't know Brighton do you! There are a couple of Community Super Elves that bobble around on the seafront in good weather.
I think some of you dim wits are missing the point here. Straight gay or indifferent, children should not have to witness this sort of act in a public place in broad daylight !!!!
That is pretty much the sentiment of thread. Nobody is condoning sex in public, some are just highlighting that the incident might not warrent such a reaction from the OP. It's an isolated incident, the OP just got unlucky.
Funny because it's true.
As above. I'd question how streetwise someone is if they really expect to randomly bump into a copper on that street. Do that walk at that time of day once a week for a year and and you'd be lucky if it happened once. 101 is the new non-emergency number to contact police if it ever happens in future.
You're quite right, they should not. But the reality is that she has. We don't live in an ideal world, every now and again kids will hear and see things that aren't appropriate for them, that's just life. It's more important how you deal with it afterwards, than trying to stop every bad thing from ever happening (which is of course impossible) Kids are pretty resiliant with a bit of support and a nudge in the right direction, and often more clued up than adults give them credit for.
But why is it so wrong for someone to stand up and try to make sure this doesn't happen to another family. This is the trouble with the world today people dont want to stand up for what it right.