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Falmer Planning Application - Lewes DC recommended NOT to object; Falmer PC do object

Lewes District Council's Planning Committee is meeting on 10 December to consider how to respond to Brighton & Hove City Council's consultation on the Club's latest planning applications for the Falmer Stadium.

First ... The GOOD NEWS! The recommendation of the District Planning Officer is that Lewes District Council raise no objection.

Agenda Item No:
Report No: 238/08
Report Title: Land at Village Way, Falmer - Consultation from Brighton and Hove City Council BH2008/02732

a) A community stadium with accommodation for Class B1 business, educational, conference, club shop merchandise, entertainment and food. Revision to stadium permitted under reference BH2001/02418/FP including the following alterations: Change in roof design and elevational treatment, increase in useable floor area and amendments to use of internal floorspace.

b) Proposed re-contouring of land south of Village Way with chalk and soil arising from excavations required to construct community stadium (as above).

Report To: Planning Applications Committee Date: 10 December 2008
Lead Councillor: Cllr P Gardiner

Ward(s) Affected: Kingston

Report By: Director of Planning and Environmental Services

Contact Officer(s): Steve Howe, Area Team Leader (South)

Purpose of Report:
To consider the consultation from Brighton & Hove City Council

Officers Recommendation(s):
That Brighton and Hove Council be advised that Lewes District Council:

1. Raise no objection to the changes to the stadium itself as proposed in application BH2008/2732. However, the City Council are requested to ensure that the potential use of the increased number of hospitality areas, particularly where used for non-match day functions, are governed by the Travel Plan to limit car travel to the site.

2. Consider the proposal to re-contour land south of Village Way with spoil excavated from the stadium development itself to be preferable, in principle, to disposal off site. However, should Brighton and Hove City Council grant permission, the City Council are urged to ensure that stringent controls are placed on the operation, to include requirements regulating hours of operation, the phasing of work across the land, appropriate restoration and after use of the land with contours to reflect the downland location, adequate land drainage, and implementation of a dust and operational management plan to help control the impact of the works.

Reasons for Recommendations

1 It is considered that the changes to the design of the stadium would be subsumed within the overall development and would not significantly affect its overall appearance and impact on its surroundings, over and above that in the approved scheme.

2 It is considered that the proposal to re-contour the land south of Village Way by the deposit of spoil excavated from the stadium development would, in principle, be preferable to disposal off-site.

But there is some BAD NEWS in the Report. Falmer Parish Council are objecting:-

4.1 Falmer Parish Council objects to the following changes “which are materially different from the 2001 planning application which was approved by the Secretary of State in 2007”.

The Parish Council has made their objection direct to BHCC, and a full copy is attached as Appendix A to this report. In summary, the Parish Council object to the following:

1. Removal of the grass topped bunding at the North and South Stands
Means that the stadium will appear even more visible from all views. The metal roof and block walls dramatically alter the appearance of the stadium and it becomes even more unattractive.

2. The new roof arch
The proposed arch is much less attractive than the butterfly arch and will look like a series of triangular blocks.

3. Disposal of spoil to the south
This was not proposed previously as it would not have been passed. The previously proposed arrangement for disposing of spoil off site by lorry was acceptable to the Secretary of State, and the vehicle movements arising from the process were of no concern to the Parish Council. The proposed re-contouring is not acceptable, as downland is naturally sculpted and not flat, the farmland will be damaged by the disturbance and will become more permeable and prone to leaching and the land will not be as productive as it is now for 5-10 years. Far more dust would be generated by a tipping operation than by lorries removing the spoil from the land.

4. The East Stand
Now given over to the City College rather than offices, employment opportunities which were part of the original application will be lost.

5. Hospitality Lounges
The increase in hospitality areas (increasing from the previous 750 dining covers to either 1905 for dining or 2510 buffet style and from 2 hospitality lounges previously to 8 lounges) would make the stadium a major hospitality venue. Questions arise as to if and how the approved Travel Management Plan would operate for the increased number of hospitality functions which may be anticipated.

And the South Downs Joint Committee are also objecting:-

4.2 Sussex Downs Joint Committee advise that it:

1. Remains of the view that the development would severely harm the AONB.

2. Notes that the Secretary of State granted permission for the original application, and recognises that the decision is a material consideration in the determination of this application, as forming the fall-back position.

3. Objects to the alternative arch (which would be less elegant and less indicative of the downland contours than the approved scheme), changes to the elevation of the West Stand and omission of the chalk bunds to the North and South Stands with the alternative use of a metal roof detracting from the proposal, and the use of blocks for the facades of the North and South Stands instead of a locally distinctive material likely to be available as a waste product on the site.

4. Supports the principle of extension of the energy unit and use of part of the East Stand for the City College instead of commercial offices. Supports the new planted landscape bund and footpath/cycleway to the south of Village Way and additional planting, whilst noting that these are requirements of the approved scheme, rather than specific benefits of the revised proposals.

5. Considers that the proposal to re-contour land to the south of Village Way through disposal of spoil would be preferable to disposal off site. Disposal off–site is estimated to amount to 2500 HGV movements travelling 30km away to a disposal site, amounting to over 807,000 km of lorry travel. A very significant saving in fuel used, CO2 emissions and other problems associated with HGV movements would result, with disposal at Village Way South amounting to 4000 km of HGV movements.

6. Overall, on balance, the Joint Committee objects to the revised application and amendments to the stadium, as indicated in point 3 above.


The moaning of life
Jan 8, 2006
In rehab
2015 then.Thanks Falmer Parish council.

GNF on Tour

Registered Twunt
Jul 7, 2003
1. Removal of the grass topped bunding at the North and South Stands
Means that the stadium will appear even more visible from all views. The metal roof and block walls dramatically alter the appearance of the stadium and it becomes even more unattractive.

There probably right aren't they?

If people can stomach the whole of the Falmer Parish Council objection ... here it is:-


November 13th 2008.

Dear Ms Walsh,


Community stadium with accommodation for Class B1 business, educational, conference, club shop merchandise, entertainment and food.

a. Change in roof design and elevational treatment, increase in useable floor area and amendments to use of internal floor space.

b. Proposed re-contouring of land south of Village Way with chalk and soil arising from excavations required to construct community stadium.

There are a very large number of changes made in this application which propose to considerably alter the appearance and nature of the stadium. Falmer Parish Council objects to the following changes which are materially different from the 2001 planning application which was approved by the Secretary of State in 2007.

1. Removal of the grass topped bunding at the North and South Stands.

The Secretary of State had concluded that the harm caused to the AONB was moderated to a degree that she found acceptable by the setting of the stadium into the landform. The removal of the bunding no longer moderates the setting and the stadium will appear even more visible from all views. The planting of a belt of deciduous trees and a deciduous hedge on the north side of Village Way will not mitigate this. The trees and hedge will be bare for 6 months of the year and will not be of a height to ever ‘hide’ the stadium.

The bunding of the North and South stands is replaced by usable accommodation and the roof design is industrial type metal roofing and the wall design is changed to textured white block walls. This materially changes the character of the stadium from one which, at the 2003 public inquiry, the football club were at pains to prove sat into the landscape and blended in, to one which will be even more highly intrusive. The metal roofed useable buildings of the North and South stands are a complete departure from grass topped bunding. The block walls also replace the chalk faced gabion retaining walls which intended to use excavated flints. The stadium’s appearance will be dramatically altered and becomes even more unattractive.

2.The new roof arch.

The new design of roof arch which replaces the designed butterfly arch is much less graceful and will look like a series of triangular blocks. We object to a change which will make the building less attractive.

3. Disposal of spoil on Village Way South.

The Parish Council objects to the proposed dumping of the excavated spoil on Village Way South. This was never proposed in the original 2001 application. It is obvious that it was not proposed in 2001 because it would not have been passed. This is AONB/ National Park setting and is far too sensitive. It is only now with the 2007 grant of planning permission that the situation is being exploited to create more damage to the local environment. It is not necessary. The transport plan for taking the spoil offsite was accepted by the Secretary of State in 2007. The recontouring of Village Way South is not acceptable. Sussex Downland is naturally sculpted not flat. Importantly the farmland will be damaged by the disturbance and will become more permeable and prone to leaching. It will not be as productive as it is now for 5- 10years. This has been confirmed by the farmer who currently farms the land. The amount of run off water will increase and will affect Village Way North and the railway line.

The Parish Council believes that far less dust will be created by a removal operation with lorries being canopied and hosed down and the chalk transported away. A tipping operation on Village Way South will create far more dust.

We have no concerns over the few extra vehicle movements per day to remove the spoil off site and neither did the Secretary Of State. This will be a minimal addition to the traffic currently on Village Way. There are already over 1,000 vehicle movements a day on Village Way, including double decker buses every five minutes to Brighton University’s campus. The reduction of C02 is also a poor argument when one looks to the future and thinks of the huge amount of C02 the stadium will create with its everyday functions and match day traffic for years and years ahead.

4. The East Stand

This is now given over to City College for academic use and although this is of educational benefit it is a considerable departure from the office accommodation for businesses in the approved plan. Consequently the employment opportunities which were a part of the original application are lost.

5. Hospitality lounges.

The approved plan has 2 hospitality lounges which are:-

1. A lounge on the second floor of the West Stand with 500 covers for dining.

2. A second area on the first floor which shows a lounge with no indication of covers but the football club say it is a multi purpose area for 250 diners.

Total dining covers = 750.

The new application shows 8 lounges with a total accommodation for :-

1. First Floor West Stand.

Gold Club 500 dining or 650 buffet style
Room 1 185 dining or 255 buffet style
Room 2 90 dining or 125 buffet style

2. Second Floor West Stand.

Room 3 240 dining or 325 buffet style
Room 4 240 dining or 325 buffet style

3. Third Floor West Stand

Platinum Lounge 450 dining or 560 buffet style
Room 5 100 dining or 135 buffet style
Room 6 100 dining or 135 buffet style.

This gives a total of 1,905 covers for dining or 2,510 buffet style.

This is massive increase of over 100% in the hospitality function of the stadium. It jumps from 750 dining covers in the approved plan to 1,905 dining covers in the new application. This alters the nature of the football stadium. In the approved plan it was a football stadium with a small amount of hospitality. This new application makes the stadium a major ‘player’ in offering itself as a venue for hospitality, conference and possible functions of all sorts = weddings, parties, stag nights to sports awards evenings. This is an area for great concern for Falmer Parish Council.

One of the conditions imposed by the 2007 grant of planning permission by the Secretary of State was that ‘No event with an anticipated attendance of 500 or more shall take place at the stadium other than in accordance with the Travel Management Plan.’

If 8 different functions were held in the 8 different lounges on the same day then would the accepted transport plan come into force? There is capacity for 1,905 people seated or 2,510 buffet style in the eight lounges. There could be this number of people in the 8 lounges attending the 8 different events. Will the transport plan be activated? Will the park and ride system be made available and the use of Sussex University car parks and Falmer High School playing field? What if these hospitality events are on a weekday in term time when the University car parks are already in use and children will be playing sport on the High School field. The Park and Ride site of Mithras House would be in use by Brighton University and the Race Course could have a meeting. How would this scenario be controlled and managed.

Would the football club regard the events as separate events and say the attendance at no individual event is over 500 people so the transport plan does not need to be activated?

The increased nature of the hospitality function at the stadium cannot be ignored. There is no parking at the stadium apart from the dedicated 150 spaces in the car park alongside the A27 for players and directors. People attending functions will not wish to travel by public transport especially if it is an occasion for celebration like a wedding or a black tie evening occasion. The original application did not have such large numbers to contend with. It also did not have to consider the stadium as a major hospitality venue and how this could affect other venues in Brighton and Hove such as the sea front hotels. This needs to be given consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Melanie Cutress
Chair Falmer Parish Council
On behalf of Falmer Parish Council.


Boomer Sooner
Apr 22, 2006
4. The East Stand

This is now given over to City College for academic use and although this is of educational benefit it is a considerable departure from the office accommodation for businesses in the approved plan. Consequently the employment opportunities which were a part of the original application are lost.

How the f*** can they complain about that?

Cutting the crap, the only questions that matter really are:

1) What happens if their objection is upheld and permission is refused?
2) Does this DELAY anything?
The FPC objection delays nothing. It is for Brighton & Hove City Council to decide whether planning permission is to be given. There is no need for the City Council to do any more than read the Falmer Parish Council objection and "take it into account", alongside all the other representations that they have received (including, no doubt, all the letters sent into them by NSC members in support of the application).

Once the City Council have granted planning permission, the Club can just get on and build the stadium.

Could it then not be called in by the Secretary of State again?
As the sticky thread at the top of the board explains ... The application details changes to the stadium design that will bring the project in line with new building regulations.

That is not something that the Secretary of State would consider merits a new Public Inquiry.

What material are the SDJC referring to here?

......and the use of blocks for the facades of the North and South Stands instead of a locally distinctive material likely to be available as a waste product on the site.

I think the SDJC were hoping that the stadium would be clad entirely in bat droppings.

Carrot Cruncher

NHS Slave
Helpful Moderator
Jul 30, 2003
Southampton, United Kingdom
Well if it's as cut and dried as it seems, then fair play to Cuttress et al for humouring BHCC and writing a full objection.

Would've been much quicker to write, "what's the f****** point, you're going to say yes anyway" on a piece of bog paper.

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