Apparently we are being led up the garden path again...
I don't doubt it will be a yes. But it will be for the wrong reason. As we saw in the paper only last week, there are a lot of vested financial reasons. As money talks, the stadium will get the go ahead, but that does not mean it is in the right place. Albion fans were led up the garden path over the Goldstone, and history is repeating itself. Just look at the people involved and ask yourself if they are interested in anything other than themselves. Of course not. This development is nothing other than a Trojan Horse to unlocking previously blocked development of areas that should never be . It has nothing to do with the specific site as such, which is why they don't actually care it is not in the right place. It's simply a gateway to other things. Think on, once it's done, there won't be any going back and we'll all pay the price later, Albion fans or not!
100% agree with every word BoF. Well said.