Cheers Braders, yes indeed it is getting closer.......847
7:18 Brighton & Hove Albion Aug 6, 2006 8,505 Brighton, England Apr 12, 2008 Thread starter #121 Cheers Braders, yes indeed it is getting closer.......847
Caveman Well-known member Jul 14, 2003 9,926 Apr 17, 2008 #127 seagull4life said: 842 Click to expand... You're keeping this going well seagull4life
7:18 Brighton & Hove Albion Aug 6, 2006 8,505 Brighton, England Apr 17, 2008 Thread starter #128 Caveman said: You're keeping this going well seagull4life Click to expand... because I have no life, and things are a bit miserable around here at the moment (women being difficult of course)
Caveman said: You're keeping this going well seagull4life Click to expand... because I have no life, and things are a bit miserable around here at the moment (women being difficult of course)
7:18 Brighton & Hove Albion Aug 6, 2006 8,505 Brighton, England Apr 18, 2008 Thread starter #129 841 :falmerspi
Djmiles Barndoor Holroyd Dec 1, 2005 12,068 Kitchener, Canada Apr 19, 2008 #131 Can't be bothered to go through the thread, but what date are we counting down until? 1st day of the season of 10/11?
Can't be bothered to go through the thread, but what date are we counting down until? 1st day of the season of 10/11?
7:18 Brighton & Hove Albion Aug 6, 2006 8,505 Brighton, England Apr 19, 2008 Thread starter #132 Djmiles said: Can't be bothered to go through the thread, but what date are we counting down until? 1st day of the season of 10/11? Click to expand... bingo, projected Aug 7 2010....I think its all on the first page though
Djmiles said: Can't be bothered to go through the thread, but what date are we counting down until? 1st day of the season of 10/11? Click to expand... bingo, projected Aug 7 2010....I think its all on the first page though
7:18 Brighton & Hove Albion Aug 6, 2006 8,505 Brighton, England Apr 20, 2008 Thread starter #133 839 :yahoo:
SULLY COULDNT SHOOT Loyal2Family+Albion! Sep 28, 2004 11,345 Izmir, Southern Turkey Apr 22, 2008 #136 Is Canada really that empty and boring?
W wigman Well-known member Oct 10, 2006 4,761 East Preston Apr 25, 2008 #140 seagull4life said: 834 Click to expand... If you put 70p in a tin each day for the next 834 days it will give you £584 which should cover the cost of a season ticket!
seagull4life said: 834 Click to expand... If you put 70p in a tin each day for the next 834 days it will give you £584 which should cover the cost of a season ticket!