I was finding the UK increasingly frustrating to live in so I moved to somewhere I liked. It’s this simple. There’s lots about the UK I love, but day to day stuff is overly complicated in my opinion.
Yes, it's fortunate that Billy has Lazarus style powers as somehow he's still BANGING the goals in for United.
It's been a grind for me supporting Brighton and living up here. For years and years it was "what division are they in?" "But they're shit aren't they" "oh you play at that athletics stadium" etc.
When Virgo scored v Swindon me and my Darlo supporting mate were the only people in a packed pub watching the game, on a small TV. We went ****ing mental as everyone else wondered what the **** was going on.
Or, walking to the pub one Saturday past a load of builders on a scaffold "WEDNESDAY ARE SHITE!" Me - "It's not a Wednesday shirt, I'm Brighton". Builder - "OH, SORRY MATE!".
But oh, how the tables have turned. He who laughs last.....
The nipper has only known the good times but he understands the past. I love the fact that he can lord it over all his United and Wednesday mates because he supports the Albion. It's like karma.
Does Yorkshire count as abroad? Been here 27 years and counting.
Had wanted to move to Canada ever since I saw Cool Runnings as a kid.
Had a Working Holiday Visa in 2013, met a Canadian girl whilst travelling and working on the East Coast. She sponsored me to become a Canadian resident, and despite subsequently breaking up, I decided to remain in Canada. Now, however, I'm in Ottawa!
I wouldn't give up the access to nature, low cost of living, and four distinct seasons for anything! Love it here.
Spent a few years between Aus & NZ 8-9 years ago, loved it.
Decided to give Canada a go and enjoy it more-so than the UK, but less than Aus. Been here nearly 3 years now.
Immigrating to Canada has been relatively easy, there's plenty of ex-pats and football to play here. Plus wages (in my field) pay around 50% higher than the UK, which is a nice bonus. Although housing is pure insanity. Swings and roundabouts.
I'll likely do another year or two here, then either make moves down to the US for better weather, income and quality of life in general.
Or, if Aus open their doors to Canadians/Brits, I'll go walkabout and settle down somewhere near Noosa, QLD.
Worst case scenario, Gibraltar.
Lucky enough to have no financial ties or kids, so move about as I like.
If any Aus based NCS'ers want to sponsor me for work, there's a cool $10k in it for you.![]()
I'm keen to give Canada a go, is it really easy to move there?Spent a few years between Aus & NZ 8-9 years ago, loved it.
Decided to give Canada a go and enjoy it more-so than the UK, but less than Aus. Been here nearly 3 years now.
Immigrating to Canada has been relatively easy, there's plenty of ex-pats and football to play here. Plus wages (in my field) pay around 50% higher than the UK, which is a nice bonus. Although housing is pure insanity. Swings and roundabouts.
I'll likely do another year or two here, then either make moves down to the US for better weather, income and quality of life in general.
Or, if Aus open their doors to Canadians/Brits, I'll go walkabout and settle down somewhere near Noosa, QLD.
Worst case scenario, Gibraltar.
Lucky enough to have no financial ties or kids, so move about as I like.
If any Aus based NCS'ers want to sponsor me for work, there's a cool $10k in it for you. [emoji38]ol:![]()
Looked seriously at shipping out to Canada but was put off by low annual leave allowance. Apparently can be as low as 10 days a year in some jobs. Is this a reality?
BTW I have SA (Adelaide) based family who would sponsor anyone for cash like that!
Looked seriously at shipping out to Canada but was put off by low annual leave allowance. Apparently can be as low as 10 days a year in some jobs. Is this a reality?
BTW I have SA (Adelaide) based family who would sponsor anyone for cash like that!
I'm keen to give Canada a go, is it really easy to move there?
Spent 20 years in Oz from a youngster, not for me and won't be going back.
It generally depends on your circumstances (age, skill and education). Type into google 'come to Canada tool', and it's a very easy way to see if you are eligible. For reference, I'm 30, no uni degree, with 5 years in a 'skilled' position, with one year of that skilled position carried out within Canada (which gave me loads of points for immigration).
Where in Aus, and why wasn't it for you? I spent 2 years there 10 years ago and loved the place, mainly south of Perth and North of Brisbane areas over the 2 years.
When my son was old enough to understand (about 3) I told him that it was his choice. As he was born in Sheffield (and in the correct side of the city) he could choose to support Sheffield United if he wanted, or he could support Brighton, because that's my team.
We both like United (and hate Wednesday) but he made the correct choice and is 100% Albion.
Often wondered how the division in cities for football works, Liverpool/Everton, Nott County / forest ect, is it a geographical divide?
Yeah it's a strange one in Sheffield. As you say, that was the original divide but now the nice areas of Sheffield are the South and West of the city. United areas geographically, rather than Wednesday who are in bandit country North Sheffield. #shitholeA lot of football teams start off as church teams, so the divide could be Catholic/Protestant.
In Sheffield, United were more working class, and Wednesday middle class.
I think 20 days is more the norm, although it depends what you do. There's also more public holidays. My company's policy is "take as many days off as you want as long as you take at least 10 days"
My story: I was a bit disillusioned with my career and life in general in 2015. I decided to apply to do a Master's in Toronto in 2015, after coming over here to visit a friend I'd met when travelling. I didn't think I'd get accepted on the course, so it was a big surprise when I got the offer. I sold my flat in Brighton, packed up a couple of suitcases and moved out here.
3 and a half years on, I'm a permanent resident, have a decent job (with the holiday perks) and own a condo.