my condolences to his family, a true poker buddy.
£10 from me.
I dont know much about Poker, but he was our Poker champion, and asked me a couple of times to join him for a game.
How about a Charity Evan Warren poker night?
He loved, most people on here know him through poker nights, our chairman is famous for it (maybe even see if he could play, and give the fans a chance to test their skills against him)
I dont know how it would work, just thinking out loud, but it would seem some what fitting. A charge to play, a proportion of the money for prize funds, the rest to charity?
If the idea has been raised before, apologies Ive missed it. I would be happy to help organise it, but would need a poker player to set the rules etc.
£10 from me as soon as we have an address to send it.
bozza do u think u could set something up like a bucket outside watfords ground on saturday so we could pay cash cheers
Hey guys I don't really get paypal. Is there an account I can transfer too?