I said earlier to some other remoaner, suck it up hun! Annihilation awaits next week.
33% of a tiny turnout is nothing but a tantrum. Why not have a 2nd referndum if you're so confident?
I said earlier to some other remoaner, suck it up hun! Annihilation awaits next week.
I said earlier to some other remoaner, suck it up hun! Annihilation awaits next week.
33% of a tiny turnout is nothing but a tantrum. Why not have a 2nd referndum if you're so confident?
Brexit party.
Would never vote for a mainstream party now.
What a shame, the Country might vote the way you don't want them to...that's called democracy, and the minority need to stop squealing like pigs about it.
You did hit the nail on the head though, that most people previously (including remainers) never used to be able to even name their MEP as it wasn't considered 'important' enough.
Not me, as I have already stated in the Brexit thread, I don't want a 'no Deal' Brexit, but I do want Brexit. I expected the Government could achieve that and not that remainers would still be squealing like pigs nearly 3 years on.
Because that Farage bloke is so honest and trust worthy?
More likely because he/she wants to leave the EU, and feels that the parties currently in Westminster can't be trusted not to continue welching on the deal they offered to the electorate in 2016.
That's for me to know, but to narrow the issues, you won't be surprised to learn that it won't be for creepy old Vince's Lib Dems with their cunning plan to stop Brexit, and nor will it be for the Greens, and never for that weird sociopath Corbyn's lot.I wonder where you're going to put your X then ?
Not really. I am a patient person and the Country will get there in the end, despite the squeals of those who don't like change and think the EU actually works well for them so never mind what other people think.You must be fuming each time Theresa May gets her deal voted down by the 'Squealing Pigs' and 'Swivel-eyed loons' alliance ?
So, because you are angry that Brexit isn't what you were told it was going to be, you are voting for someone who won't turn up, participate or represent Britain's interests in a parliament that has no say over Brexit. Then, presumably, when the rest of the EU do something you don't agree with, you can blame them for your lack of representation.
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More slightly irked by the fact that saboteurs have made sure that getting it through in the hope it might go away has been a right balls ache rather than making the democratic referendum result move through smoothly.
That's for me to know, but to narrow the issues, you won't be surprised to learn that it won't be for creepy old Vince's Lib Dems with their cunning plan to stop Brexit, and nor will it be for the Greens, and never for that weird sociopath Corbyn's lot.
Not really. I am a patient person and the Country will get there in the end, despite the squeals of those who don't like change and think the EU actually works well for them so never mind what other people think.
Parliament has had a chance to vote to make Brexit happen. Twice. Both times it was primarily Brexiters who rejected it.
More slightly irked by the fact that saboteurs have made sure that getting it through in the hope it might go away has been a right balls ache rather than making the democratic referendum result move through smoothly.
And which result did you vote for, Nigel's 'No deal' and hard border in NI, or TM's 'Deal' and continued membership of the Customs Union ?
Because, without wanting to point out the blindingly obvious to someone who has such a good understanding of the situation, it seems that is where the problem lies and there seems to be a battle between various Brexiteers with each voting down the others proposals, almost like they were saboteurs or something![]()
That wasn't the question though. How did you want us to leave?