I really wouldn’t push too hard and go delving….Ooh... Did Ewan play Andy Murray? It's all becoming clear.
I really wouldn’t push too hard and go delving….Ooh... Did Ewan play Andy Murray? It's all becoming clear.
That just reminded me of the line (can't remember who said it) that the crucial victory of science over religion was when they put lightning conductors on churches.A friend of mine insists that old churches are really power stations that gathered, stored, and distributed "electricity from the earth's magnetic field" back in the late middle ages.
Yeah, I know, rubbish............I haven't got any mates.
The reason Kentucky Fried Chicken changed to KFC is that the birds they cook are so genetically modified that they would be breaking advertising standards calling it Chicken.Colonel Sanders puts a chemical in his chicken that makes you crave it fortnightly.
If anyone can name that reference they have my lasting respect.
That was highly entertaining as a poster on here claimed the closing ceremony was going to be a false flag event. There were clues all over the Olympic stadium if I remember rightly. Lots of trianglesThe 2012 Olympics were fake. All the athletes, crowds and officials were actors.
I taught science at primary level for a time and one of my lessons about scientific method, good science and space/night and day/seasons etc involved me trying to persuade the students the earth was flat. (We then look at the history of how we know it's round).I’m convinced nobody actually believes the earth is flat, they just claim they do for attention / a laugh
NSC helping foil the illuminati by exposing them should go down as a great achievement.That was highly entertaining as a poster on here claimed the closing ceremony was going to be a false flag event. There were clues all over the Olympic stadium if I remember rightly. Lots of triangles
When it didn't happen they claimed it was because so many people (non sheeples) had worked it out so the Illuminati couldn't go ahead with it.
I don't think it's quite the same. Hopefully my other two posts have proved that I've no time for the 'flat earth' style conspiracies (Another group who've depressingly grown in number in the internet age), but do I think that governments lie, cheat, distort and hide facts? Of course I do - and I'm pretty sure that everyone else posting on this thread also thinks that.
But there's a difference between healthy scepticism and downright insanity. Take Covid for example. I personally feel the lockdowns were a massive mistake that have created huge long-term problems, and these far outweigh any short-term benefits that they may have had. I also think that the government twisted the 'facts' to 'prove' that they were, in fact, the best approach. I may be right, I may be wrong, but yes I was/am sceptical of the government in this respect. However I don't believe that Covid was a hoax or that it was spread by 5G masts or that the vaccines were Bill Gates injecting chips into us - that's the insanity end of the spectrum.
This is nonsense laughable conspiracyThe government was lambasted for waiting too long to impose a lockdown compared with mainland Europe and much of Asia. In fact it was the delayed lockdown that many people blamed for the UK's high rate of infection and death from Covid.
The recent revision of such recent history is astonishing really. People seem to forget that we had about 12 months of Covid and well over 150,000 deaths in the UK before the vaccine started to become widely available. Lockdown was a very blunt instrument and as we all know, a fairly unpleasant experience but it’s obvious that it reduced the rate of infection and death.
Southwick tunnel on A27 is a nuclear shelter for bigwigs .
' Proof' = number of doors inside it and number of closures for ' emergency services exercises '..
could be.
That’s assuming they’ll let you back out.I've got an appointment there in a few weeks time, to go behind the scenes, as it were.
I've not had to sign any Official Secrets Act documents yet as far as I recall, so I will post photos of the nuclear launch sites and alien experimentation labs as I find them![]()
Make sure your body cam is live streaming onto the cloud as the footage is bound to be destroyed.I've got an appointment there in a few weeks time, to go behind the scenes, as it were.
I've not had to sign any Official Secrets Act documents yet as far as I recall, so I will post photos of the nuclear launch sites and alien experimentation labs as I find them![]()
This one nearly got me into trouble in a Hove pub. Not that I believed it but I'd only just heard this one.Obama's wife being a man is often spouted, the late Joan Rivers mentioned that before she died also.
Oh, and their chips aren't made of potato don't forget.I remember being told that McDonalds milk shakes were in fact made from thousands of fragments of edible plastic. Trouble is, if you’re a certain age, and if the person telling you is earnest enough, you end up believing this rubbish until of course you start telling others and find them all ridiculing your naivety.
They may let someone out who looks like Edna , and sounds like Edna , but...That’s assuming they’ll let you back out.![]()