I share a birthday with Pele. Sadly I am a lousy footballer.
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I share a birthday with one James William Thomas Hill
I am a lousy footballer too.
I was born 2nd September. Tony Geerts, known to many on NSC called me grandad at Patcham Juniors, not a jolly school nickname I enjoyed. Worse still, expectations were higher than for other kids despite me having no more education than the youngest in the year. Yes, still annoys me more than half a century later!
And opposite end of the scale I was born very end of August so was youngest in my year in every school year I was in. Was expected to be achieving the same things as kids up to pretty much a year older than me. If only I was born a few hours later I'd have had a whole year longer before starting school!
I was born on September 1. I was a pretty bright child, and somehow or other my parents were able to get me in to the year above, so I went through my entire schooling as the youngest in my year (when I should have been the oldest in the year below).