I usually sign off with "Thnaks and regards"
People, how do you start your emails? People who write 'Hi' should be removed from society with immediate affect, or at least deported to America.
Similarly, the sycophantics who sign off with 'Kind Regards', make me sick.
Brighton TID
People, how do you start your emails? People who write 'Hi' should be removed from society with immediate affect, or at least deported to America.
Similarly, the sycophantics who sign off with 'Kind Regards', make me sick.
Brighton TID
People, how do you start your emails? People who write 'Hi' should be removed from society with immediate affect, or at least deported to America.
Similarly, the sycophantics who sign off with 'Kind Regards', make me sick.
Brighton TID
I always remembered that as "Never put Sir, with Sincerely"
People, how do you start your emails? People who write 'Hi' should be removed from society with immediate affect, or at least deported to America.
Similarly, the sycophantics who sign off with 'Kind Regards', make me sick.
Brighton TID
People, how do you start your emails? People who write 'Hi' should be removed from society with immediate affect, or at least deported to America.
Similarly, the sycophantics who sign off with 'Kind Regards', make me sick.
Brighton TID
I start 'hi' and usually finish 'thanks'.
The main issue I have with e mails is though whether I get a response. It is surely polite to say thanks and make appropriate comment rather than just receive and say nothing. I am in a couple of positions of some authority .. hon treasurer and director where I spend a good deal of time and send out information to others to receive nothing back whatsoever. I would like to receive some recognition and this is more the etiquette issue to me.