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El Abd - whats happened?

Lady Whistledown

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
Have you been lost in the jungles of Peru for the past six months? :ohmy:

Mr deez

Jan 13, 2005
The title me this thread made me think somebody was going to slate him... which kind of proves the point I suppose..

One Robbie Reinelt

Forever Brighton
Feb 28, 2009
Not at all - I just thought tonight he was an absolute rock, especially after coming coming back from the horror gash ......... at Southampton (b4 any pervy sniggering!!!)

ali jenkins

Thanks to Guinness Dave
Feb 9, 2006
Maybe he has always been this good but just hasnt had the time or the paitence from the fans?

Funnily enough he hasnt been getting slated since there isnt much to moan about with the Albion these days


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2010
BGC Manila
Has been great for many months to be fair. Couple of the games I saw him play live a couple years ago you wouldn't know he's the same player, but has been consistantly good for most of 2010

hola gus

New member
Aug 8, 2010
he has always been a great tackler, strong in the air and prepared to give it his all but what i like most about his improvement....................................... is he is now learning how to play football too. Only Gus, Tanno and the player himself can take the credit for that.

Barrel of Fun

Abort, retry, fail
When he was deployed at left back, he said in an interview that he had been staying behind, after training, to play the ball with his left foot. He seems to be one of those players that knows his limitations, but is willing to work extra hard to combat them.

He said in the paper that he would like to spend his whole career here and I BLOODY hope he does.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
Sin City
I remember one of the things Gus said about him when he got his contract extension, was that he was one of the few players who would do exactly as he was told. I think that speaks volumes about the quality of coaching that he was receiving then, as opposed to now.


New member
Feb 25, 2007
I just wish he was 6ft plus, then he'd easily be a championship standard centre back




Hasn't gotta be 6 ft plus ???

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