Goring Gull said:My final year it was Mr Williams big bloke alledgedly a bit of a kiddy fiddler - probably no truth in that though.
Head of year was Mr Kaczmarek finished there in 93
Mr Henbest was the best in his jesus creepers.
Goring Gull said:My final year it was Mr Williams big bloke alledgedly a bit of a kiddy fiddler - probably no truth in that though.
Head of year was Mr Kaczmarek finished there in 93
Gully said:Goring Gull, don't you mean "Corporal Punishment", I can't see anyone being sent to the gallows for wagging class or mucking around, a couple of strokes of the cane maybe...mind you that might improve behaviour if it was.
Dougal said:Mr Henbest was the best in his jesus creepers.
Dougal said:Mr Henbest was the best in his jesus creepers.
Goring Gull said:You've never lived on Loxwood avenue have you?
Dougal said:Lived in Pavillion Road , not million miles away
NMH said:More to do with the 'element' attending the schools than the standard of education available.
Quite honestly, Britain is full of scum that ought to be castrated and euthanised.
El Presidente said:The problem exists at university too, lots of my colleagues complain about unruly behaviour, people talking in class, texting their mates and making paper aeroplanes.
SOME of this is due to lack of respect for the lecturers, a culture which has come from schools, but more importantly, homes.
SOME of this is due to crap teaching, and the fact that the lecturers are boring the pants off the people before them.
Anyone who arses around in my class does not survice long to be honest, but I have already been reported once by a LESBIAN for creating an 'intimidatory homophobic atmostphere such that she could not study'. My crime was as follows
Student "EP where are you from"
Me " Brighton"
Student " Is everyone gay in Brighton?"
Me "No, 25% of men are gay in Brighton, which in my case is from the knee down"
Okay, not exactly going to cause Eddie Izzard and Ricky Gervais sleepless nights at their comedy crowns being stolen, BUT at the same time in no way creating any anti gay sentiment in the class (IMO).
The following day a VERY LONG letter sent to the Uni complaining about me, and a WIGGING from the beak.
I don't know which student it was (although I strongly suspect it could have been the one with the moustache, donkey jacket and dungarees, who stripped down motorcycles in her coffee break), but she then FLOUNCED off the course. She had done no coursework up to that date, and a cynic might say that she was trying to avoid getting a SHITE mark for her lack of application during the year.
RM-Taylor said:Well I sorted f***ed up my education in Year 11 after having only about a 55% attendance last year.
Now I realise it's all my fault and I can't do anything about it.
Robbie G said:
Wow i sound like a 40 year old, rather than 18!