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EDL in Sheffield


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
He was UAF/Student lefty ..

THey havnt..they havnt done anything, at all, they have achieved nothing, other than terrorising innocent people. How many times have they gone into communities with the expressed intention to 'smash muzzies'...'kick off with the reds'....How many are now in prison for their actions? You can support these people all you want. Most dont, and never will, as they recognise...even Tommy, that the group is full of, and always has been full of nazis...its not like their is no evidence of it.


New member
Oct 22, 2012
He was UAF/Student lefty ..

THey havnt..they havnt done anything, at all, they have achieved nothing, other than terrorising innocent people. How many times have they gone into communities with the expressed intention to 'smash muzzies'...'kick off with the reds'....How many are now in prison for their actions? You can support these people all you want. Most dont, and never will, as they recognise...even Tommy, that the group is full of, and always has been full of nazis...its not like their is no evidence of it.

How many are in prisons for their actions Dave, we are talking about their actions involving the EDL demos etc, not for other actions that some of these idiots have been imprisoned for.
How many have been injured, killed when the EDL have "gone into communities with the expressed intention to 'smash muzzies'...'kick off with the reds'. As the EDL are kettled and caged at their demos, and the UAF/SWP have had many more arrests for violent behavior at the demos (Bolton twice as many for example) then i would suggest it is the keyboard warriors that you have been worried about owing to your fascination with the EDL forum.
So remind me how many "muzzies and reds" have been injured, killed, bombed etc.......


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
Not too many..thankfully the British police batter them out of most of the areas..its the police who tend to be on the recieving end.
What is the point off EDL...seriously..what is the point of a bunch of football hooligans, masquerading as a 'political movement'..
what have they achieved...what have they highlighted that most people didnt know...
Are you saying that being imprisoned for racially motivated, and rightwing political criminal actions are not the same if
not on a demo??
the vast majority of people do not want terrrorism..not me, not you, not what is the point of the EDL?

Jan 30, 2008
Not too many..thankfully the British police batter them out of most of the areas..its the police who tend to be on the recieving end.
What is the point off EDL...seriously..what is the point of a bunch of football hooligans, masquerading as a 'political movement'..
what have they achieved...what have they highlighted that most people didnt know...
Are you saying that being imprisoned for racially motivated, and rightwing political criminal actions are not the same if
not on a demo??
the vast majority of people do not want terrrorism..not me, not you, not what is the point of the EDL?
bore off dave ,the EDL like it or not HAVE AT LEAST ORGANISED THEMSELVES AS A BODY READY TO GO ON TO THE STREETS TO DEMONSTRATE AGAINST THE MUSLIM FANATICS, IT'S OK SITTING IN YOUR FRONT ROOM COMPLAINING BUT THESE PEOPLE HAVE GONE OUT AND VOICED THEIR OPINIONS, i will admit they've attracted some of the wrong sorts which hasn't done them any favours in the long run .also it's been reported that there's a lot of distrust of Muslims in this country at the moment mainly from younger people ,can't think why can you ???

brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
He was UAF/Student lefty ..

THey havnt..they havnt done anything, at all, they have achieved nothing, other than terrorising innocent people. How many times have they gone into communities with the expressed intention to 'smash muzzies'...'kick off with the reds'....How many are now in prison for their actions? You can support these people all you want. Most dont, and never will, as they recognise...even Tommy, that the group is full of, and always has been full of nazis...its not like their is no evidence of it.

as said theres good & bad in every race, but one things a cert & evidence keeps proving time & time again extremist muslims are to be far worse than a few dozen extremist edl.

tree want to know my opinion of them *****... this lot are the lowest form of low & are far worse than any muslim will ever be simply because muslims no matter how ****ed up in the heads they all are & how ****ing wrong they all are have atleast got some sort of cause to be fighting for whereas this bunch of muppetts aint !! it shouldn't concern them at all.
& we all know perfectly well what henryV111 would of had done with this lot of traitors don't we now.......................


New member
Oct 22, 2012
Not too many..thankfully the British police batter them out of most of the areas..its the police who tend to be on the recieving end.
What is the point off EDL...seriously..what is the point of a bunch of football hooligans, masquerading as a 'political movement'..
what have they achieved...what have they highlighted that most people didnt know...
Are you saying that being imprisoned for racially motivated, and rightwing political criminal actions are not the same if
not on a demo??
the vast majority of people do not want terrrorism..not me, not you, not what is the point of the EDL?

The EDL has had positive and negative points in my opinion.
Firstly they were spawned in Luton after the disgraceful scenes by Muslims at the homecoming of our troops, had the police and government acted then instead of the deathly silence and no action, then who knows. Where were the decent Muslims of Luton then? lobbying and infiltrating the council for more mosques, that's where.
The thugs that jumped on the bandwagon are the negatives, the ones always pictured in the press amongst just ordinary annoyed folk.
The EDL has shown that in this country if you protest against the religion that must not be upset, you will get locked up, whilst the religion of peace will get a paltry fine of £50 for burning the poppy and national flag on Remembrance Day.
The EDL have perhaps highlighted how our government pander to this minority whilst ignoring the feelings of the majority of this country whether they are white, black or of other religions that cause no trouble.
They have highlighted that the groomings etc are not as the press report an Asian problem, but a Muslim problem.
In short, they are a noisy often thuggish group of people that air the views/worries of normal people like myself, who do not have a criminal record, do not get into fights, but none the less are sick and tired of the WANTS of this backward ideology.
We have seen the way this religion act in the over 90% Muslim countries like Nigeria, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Sudan etc, and personally i and many others do not want it getting a foothold over here.
You stated that the EDL should not have gone to Tower Hamlets, the place in ENGLAND with no go areas/Sharia Law areas, where Muslims patrol the area and stop (with violence) people drinking in the streets, banning people that are gay, women that are not dressed like their women in the backward countries in the middle east, where incidentally they could either choose to live in or have escaped from .
Another problem highlighted.
I think the EDL have awakened many people without killing anybody, let's just hope that the powers that be are aware of the fact that a lot of people including those of other religions, colours, and cultures are sick to death of the bleating, demanding and trying to impose/change attitude into this form of frankly backward ideology in ENGLAND. So who are the racists really??


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
ITs a vehicle for the fascists as far as im concerned, nothing more, nothing less...which is why the leadership walked away from it.
There are no no-go areas in England. Theres quite a funny video of a guy wandering around TH looking for Sharia law being imposed..
The muslim patrol video was two people...two...but according to the EDL, positive proof that muslims are taking over.

Im really not sure what they have awakened people to that people didnt already know...


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
Yes I can DR, ridiculous propaganda, and scare mongering from British fascists, to create a an atmosphere of tension, that they can try to exploit...
You going on the Cable St Demo?... thats going to thoroughly entertaining.


New member
Oct 22, 2012
So thats your assessment of all muslims? Really?
Ok...there is a minoroity of ********s in Islam..theres a minority of ********s in Christianity, the jewish faith, etc etc..

You should watch the bbc world news..ive seen coptic churches burning in Egypt...iv e seen Nigerian churches burning...
How are we 'pandering'?

Yep Egypt, in the news again....the religion of "peace", and you wonder why many worry more about the extreme Muslims than the EDL.

CAIRO — Islamist mobs have torched schools and businesses owned by Christians, looted churches and even paraded captive nuns through the streets of a city south of Cairo in a display of rage unseen in Egypt’s recent history.
The campaign of killing and arson is retaliation for the tiny Christian community’s support of the military coup that ousted President Mohammed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood government.
“The Muslim Brotherhood were the ones who called for aggression [against Christians]. They are responsible,” said the Rev. Khalil Fawzi, a pastor at Kasr El Dubarrah Evangelical Church, the largest evangelical congregation in the Middle East. “Either they are in control or they burn Egypt.”
Since the military removed Mr. Morsi seven weeks ago, his supporters have burned at least 44 churches and ransacked more than 20 other Christian institutions throughout Egypt.


New member
Oct 22, 2012
Dave, From Oslo Oct 2013. Islamic "Peace" Conference. WATCH IT. Summed up in the 1st minute if you can not be bothered to watch the 3-44secs
It doesn't get much clearer than that does it is now confirmed that the moderate muslims are simply those who haven't as yet been activated.....well that should make us all sleep easier in our beds
Just how many times does it have to be said...islam and our secular semi demorcratic society cannot live side by side...the two are on a collision course
just because the currents and eddies are not on the surface of the river doesn't mean the river is safe to swim in.

Jan 30, 2008
Dave, From Oslo Oct 2013. Islamic "Peace" Conference. WATCH IT. Summed up in the 1st minute if you can not be bothered to watch the 3-44secs
It doesn't get much clearer than that does it is now confirmed that the moderate muslims are simply those who haven't as yet been activated.....well that should make us all sleep easier in our beds
Just how many times does it have to be said...islam and our secular semi demorcratic society cannot live side by side...the two are on a collision course
just because the currents and eddies are not on the surface of the river doesn't mean the river is safe to swim in.
what do you do about that then, if dave had his way we would just roll over and accept it no questions asked, all the nazi spill comes across as a viable option for the UAF/SWP but i bet if you went and asked your average joe blogs what they thought of the Muslim EXSTREMISTS they would probably agree there's an issue

brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
what do you do about that then, if dave had his way we would just roll over and accept it no questions asked, all the nazi spill comes across as a viable option for the UAF/SWP but i bet if you went and asked your average joe blogs what they thought of the Muslim EXSTREMISTS they would probably agree there's an issue

& what surprised me was how many white lads amongst them, if grooming white girls for sex weren't bad enough we are now seeing white vunerable boys being groomed !
how do you explain this then dave?

Jan 30, 2008
It makes me smile when anybody who opposes extreme muslims is called a nazi. Hitler and the Nazis and the muslims were bedfellows. Both different sides of the same coin.
"Due to the large number of Muslim volunteers, the Handschar Divisions were the largest of Hitler's 38 Waffen-SS divisions."
Bosnians , but then you had the Balkan conflict a while back ,much of the same in reality

brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
can dave answer why every other faith in Britain apart from muslim has intergrated, & why do we not consider anyone a threat apart from the muslims. dave will have us all believe that we are all being paranoid and over reacting? I say the proof is in the pudding & its staring us right in the face.

Jan 30, 2008
can dave answer why every other faith in Britain apart from muslim has intergrated, & why do we not consider anyone a threat apart from the muslims. dave will have us all believe that we are all being paranoid and over reacting? I say the proof is in the pudding & its staring us right in the face.

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