I met Ed twice. This thread bought tears to my eyes the awful C word is very close to me. Wierdly I had just put all my spare change into a Macmillan fund box before I opened this thread
Not long after I joined NSC I had been in Brighton for 3 years this was back in C2003. IIRC correctly it was pride weekend and I lived on Preston Park and wanted to find a country pub to escape the mayhem. So LB pops up and told me about a rambler bus which started at I cant remember where - Cuckmere I think which passed about 17 pubs and did an hourly loop. So it was intended for country walkers but myself and friends turned up got on the bus and a guy dropped us off at all the best ones picking us up hourly and telling us about the best ales. What a day it was all these people on the bus on and off and going for their walk lol and us lot using the drivers advice for whats the next best pub
There was a sign above the drivers seat saying Ed Bassford. I said do you know someone called Mr Bracknell and he laughed at me and said are you from NSCThats me
He was so friendly and tolerant with us even let us have a game of cricket on his mini busTop man in so many ways NSC will never be able to replace Ed. Best of love to Roz and family who I never had the pleasure to meet x. Matt
And here it is > https://nortr3nixy.nimpr.uk/showthread.php?30367-OT-getting-out-of-Brighton