I thought that Johnsons "oven ready brexit deal" would have made these unnecessary
Talk of a lorry park somewhere near Newhaven I hear. This is probably due to accommodating all the lorries that have to be inspected and have their manifests checked until if/when a " Frictionless " trade deal is agreed to replace the genuinely Frictionless deal we currently have.
It's the main road from the coast to the A27 for Newhaven Seaford, the C7 is awful and would require the seaford traffic to route through the newhaven **** up road system. It would lead to huge traffic jams along the a259. It would be an utterly cretinous idea. So expect the govt to go with it ( at least for 48 hours before they uturnIf it is Newhaven then the A26 would be the likely candidate. Between South Heighton and Beddingham it serves very few inhabitants and they can reroute local traffic up the C7.
If it is Newhaven then the A26 would be the likely candidate. Between South Heighton and Beddingham it serves very few inhabitants and they can reroute local traffic up the C7.
you mean closing the road serving the port? do you work for government?
its obvious as a port Newhaven would probably need a holding park, there's quite a lot of places for small one. i was told something larger was earmarked for land to side and behind B&Q.