Knocky's Nose
Mon nez est retiré.
Still here - and haven't touched a drop since New Years Eve. 
A previous poster on here said he set 'drinking dates' or planned days. I think that's what I may aim for... We're going round to the Mrs' friends (and her husband) for Dinner in early March, so I might drink then. I'll see on the night, but I'm doing January drink-free - then February drink-free with exercise.
A few points which I'll share, for those who are interested (if you're not - no need to read on, or reply..
* I've lost absolutely no weight. Not an ounce. However, that may be because I'm eating Pain au Raisins for breakfast, drinking twice as many Lattes, and eating chocolate. I'm also drinking fresh Juices in the evenings, which I know are sugar-tastic. I'm eating fairly healthy lunches and dinners though. February, I'll start cutting back on crap food and concentrate on diet and exercise as well as not drinking. One step at a time... It'll be nice to exercise again. Running hung over and chronically dehydrated never worked for me.
* I still get little unintentional 'pangs of excitement' when I pass some of the places I used to buy alcohol from. There's a little shop on the A267 just after you come out of Tunbridge Wells which does some cracking wines and beers, plus some belting cheeses - and as I drove up that road today for the first time this month I got all excited.. then kept driving... There are a few bars I drive past, too - and I get that little 'ooh, yes.. I'll have a pint please, and I'll murder the bugger' feeling. All habit, and my brain associating them with 'pleasure'.
* My first beer of the night when I got home was the most pleasurable. So, I have an ice cold Heineken 0,0 waiting in the fridge for me. As soon as dinner goes on, crack - opened and necked. No alcohol, but my stupid little brain gets what it wants - and my liver doesn't. Eventually my walnut will learn that I'm yanking its chain, and the craving will wear off. Even if it doesn't - it's still alcohol free, so no big deal.
* For some reason my eyes feel wide open ALL DAY !! I now realise I spent most of my day trying hard to keep them open. I was permanently knackered through crap sleep, clearly. My thoughts are clearer, I'm more motivated, and I do have more energy. Not shed loads more, just more.
* Finally.. the big one. Alcohol affects us in many different ways, and we all have our own reactions when we cut it out, to varying degrees. Mine? When I was drinking I was anxious. Not 'stressed', just anxious. The slightest thing would have me pissed off. A stone chip on the car windscreen, an unexpected bill, a deal not coming off, losing something, damaging something - all trivial things, but I felt like my world had sunk three levels if they happened. Totally irrational, I know. However... it's like a cloak has been lifted since I've stopped drinking. I don't feel anxious, I'm SO much calmer, and if a problem presents itself I either file it as 'unimportant' or deal with it on the spot (because I'm much more motivated and have more energy!). It's a win/win - and if I were to pin a rosette on anything that's come from going Alcohol Free for January - this is it. A bit corny, but I feel like a different person to the one I was just over three weeks ago. In such a short space of time, but hey - I'm not complaining.
If anyone is reading this who drinks, please believe me when I say that I used to look at people saying what I've just written and think 'you boring tosser.. get a life and have a drink'. Well, for the record I was up in London with the Mrs at the weekend (Brick Lane / Spitalfields area) and we went to a lovely restaurant then to some rocking bars and pubs - and I felt like a boring tosser drinking Tonic Water and OJ at the time. The next morning though I looked back, with a clear head and no hangover - and realised that the reason I knew the pubs and bars were rocking was because I could remember everything.... I actually enjoyed the moment.
Anyway.. that's me lot.

A previous poster on here said he set 'drinking dates' or planned days. I think that's what I may aim for... We're going round to the Mrs' friends (and her husband) for Dinner in early March, so I might drink then. I'll see on the night, but I'm doing January drink-free - then February drink-free with exercise.
A few points which I'll share, for those who are interested (if you're not - no need to read on, or reply..
* I've lost absolutely no weight. Not an ounce. However, that may be because I'm eating Pain au Raisins for breakfast, drinking twice as many Lattes, and eating chocolate. I'm also drinking fresh Juices in the evenings, which I know are sugar-tastic. I'm eating fairly healthy lunches and dinners though. February, I'll start cutting back on crap food and concentrate on diet and exercise as well as not drinking. One step at a time... It'll be nice to exercise again. Running hung over and chronically dehydrated never worked for me.
* I still get little unintentional 'pangs of excitement' when I pass some of the places I used to buy alcohol from. There's a little shop on the A267 just after you come out of Tunbridge Wells which does some cracking wines and beers, plus some belting cheeses - and as I drove up that road today for the first time this month I got all excited.. then kept driving... There are a few bars I drive past, too - and I get that little 'ooh, yes.. I'll have a pint please, and I'll murder the bugger' feeling. All habit, and my brain associating them with 'pleasure'.
* My first beer of the night when I got home was the most pleasurable. So, I have an ice cold Heineken 0,0 waiting in the fridge for me. As soon as dinner goes on, crack - opened and necked. No alcohol, but my stupid little brain gets what it wants - and my liver doesn't. Eventually my walnut will learn that I'm yanking its chain, and the craving will wear off. Even if it doesn't - it's still alcohol free, so no big deal.
* For some reason my eyes feel wide open ALL DAY !! I now realise I spent most of my day trying hard to keep them open. I was permanently knackered through crap sleep, clearly. My thoughts are clearer, I'm more motivated, and I do have more energy. Not shed loads more, just more.
* Finally.. the big one. Alcohol affects us in many different ways, and we all have our own reactions when we cut it out, to varying degrees. Mine? When I was drinking I was anxious. Not 'stressed', just anxious. The slightest thing would have me pissed off. A stone chip on the car windscreen, an unexpected bill, a deal not coming off, losing something, damaging something - all trivial things, but I felt like my world had sunk three levels if they happened. Totally irrational, I know. However... it's like a cloak has been lifted since I've stopped drinking. I don't feel anxious, I'm SO much calmer, and if a problem presents itself I either file it as 'unimportant' or deal with it on the spot (because I'm much more motivated and have more energy!). It's a win/win - and if I were to pin a rosette on anything that's come from going Alcohol Free for January - this is it. A bit corny, but I feel like a different person to the one I was just over three weeks ago. In such a short space of time, but hey - I'm not complaining.
If anyone is reading this who drinks, please believe me when I say that I used to look at people saying what I've just written and think 'you boring tosser.. get a life and have a drink'. Well, for the record I was up in London with the Mrs at the weekend (Brick Lane / Spitalfields area) and we went to a lovely restaurant then to some rocking bars and pubs - and I felt like a boring tosser drinking Tonic Water and OJ at the time. The next morning though I looked back, with a clear head and no hangover - and realised that the reason I knew the pubs and bars were rocking was because I could remember everything.... I actually enjoyed the moment.
Anyway.. that's me lot.