Staring at the rude boys
An aquaintance of years ago was known to have taken a wrong turn in the night and emptied himself over his sleeping parents.
No man can seriously claim never to have had a drunken sleep piss?
Whether in a drawer, wardrobe, on the Mrs, or in a Hotel corridor, the mystery of sleep piss remains a bastion of manhood.
My theory is, it's your brains way of ensuring you don't piss the bed.
So let's have your tales chaps and girlies come to think of it. Surely there's a lady out there to admit to a spot of nightsquatting?
You've never had an upset stomach?! Can we swap bowels please?
Mate of mine woke up in a London hotel after an evening of cold drinks. Staggered over to the little kettle for a refreshing cup of tea but on drinking said cuppa realised he had filled his kettle with piss the previous evening. He then puked a mixture of Stella and piss all over his suit trousers.
That is tremendous.
Another good reason that you should never boil the water that is already left in the kettle