Where are Dastardly and Mutley when you need them?
They have wrapped up for Xmas ffs
Where are Dastardly and Mutley when you need them?
The worst thing with these cancellations is that you get moved to the next available flight but, at busy times of year, there aren't too many empty seats on following flights so you can wait many days if not weeks to get a seat.
Given the time of year, Saturday evening doesn't sound too bad, restaurant booking aside.
We got my lad one last year for Christmas (he's 21). On its inaugural test flight he put it straight into a tree across the road, about 30ft up. He managed to climb up high enough to poke it down with a broom, but they are buggers to control !
(the drone, not the 21 year old)
Err... what does that mean?... one of my bin lids is Cabin Crew based at Gatwick.
Err... what does that mean?
Okay... one of my bin lids is Cabin Crew based at Gatwick. Just been stood down and sent home...
Wha'rrappened? : Two drones. One last night, one this morning. One even flew up to the window of the Control Tower and 'looked in'... That's what spooked them the most.
Whodunnit? : They're not sure, but 'activists' have been mentioned several times.
When's opening time? : They're looking to resume flights at about 4.00 - 4.30pm today.
There. That's the NSC inside track so far.![]()
Err... what does that mean?
Err... what does that mean?
Err... what does that mean?
Bin lids - Kids
Shooting it down - these things move pretty quickly - so the best option be a couple of landrovers full of soliers with shotguns driving around the runway filling the air with lead !
They do that while the perpetrator(s) pop down the road and buy another drone or two. Could go on for hours.
'What gives' ? I'm only 60 but find it increasingly difficult to understand what younger people are saying! So KN, you meant to say 'one of my kids is crew'.This. What gives?
BBC saying CAA now classing this as an extraordinary event so compensation for delays / diversions unlikely
The problem now is that as the authorities have shown themselves totally impotent and clueless about how to deal with ONE drone, other numpties will think it is a brilliant wheeze and they'll be at it too.
Oh deep joy, Just another case of selfish Briton, where it is all about the here and now, feck you jack I am alright, why are people moaning it's just a laugh....
Is it ? No it is selfish, boorish, ignorant and cvnty thing to do.
Jail time is required for those guilty, all those people who have holidays or going home to see relatives, sometimes for the last time....
All for a laugh, I bloody hope they catch them and they do get jail time, and before I fly from Gatwick on Monday....