I can only imagine many of his supporters are insecure narcissists? They want a "strong" leader that they can hide behind and justify their own aggressive views and actionsI was talking to my girlfriend this morning about his supporters and trying to work out why he's so beloved.
In a roundabout way I can kind of understand why white Christian males would follow him.
He's promising to make sure they have all the power and the money and that they won't have to feel shame about having all the power and the money. He's plugging into that fear and anger so brilliantly satirised by Bo Burnham in his song Straight White Man:
We used to have all the money and land, And we still do, but it's not as fun now
So I get why that demographic would follow a demagogue like Trump.
But what about everyone else? What about everyone of his supporters who isn't a straight white man? Why? Perhaps his female support is happy with having less control of their own bodies. Perhaps his LGBTQ support is happy with the idea of their entire existence being criminalised.
It's baffling. Absolutely baffling.

If not that then I'm also 100% baffled.