Could be knee ligament damage, fingers crossed it's nothing serious for you guys though.
Sounds like it . . .difficult to rest dogs! Ours was a bit stiff this morning, a lot of jumping yesterday. . . .
Could be knee ligament damage, fingers crossed it's nothing serious for you guys though.
Thats a lot of lead walking until the new year. I hope they are okay and the vet fixes them.
We have a cockapoo puppy now coming up to five months. She also is a pain in the bum but such a lovely nature. She is good with kids and has a loving temperament, she is however still very much a puppy & is soooooo mischievous. We just take every day as it comes correcting her on her chewing, stealing things she shouldn't have ect ect....the list is endless.
As times goes by we find her naughtiness changes from one crime to another, she doesnt chew the mat now......but jumps up to greet us, things like that. She loves to learn though and learning is a good distraction from her crimes.
As I keep saying to the Mrs, she is still a puppy, work in progress(should have called her Potter) and we can expect this for up to another year until she loses her puppy ways for good. By the way they say mouthing & chewing should subside after they gain their adult teeth, around 4- ? Months old.
Dont want to sound like a broken record and I am no expert but I think it's just keep doing what you are doing and hopefully the dogs boisterousness and playfulness will decrease to a more manageable level.
I dont regret getting our bundle of fun, she gives so much back, it's great fun.
Ok so I wanted to get advice here. We have got a spangold retriever called Nellie / **** ... so springer cross golden retriever. She’s just a little shit most of the time... we’ve done the puppy classes / had a home visit etc - we probably need to do more on the training front but she just won’t stop mouthing / biting - jumping up at the kids - fighting our 9 year old chug - grabbing and chewing anything etc etc. We’re aware of the ‘techniques’ to help but it’s not making huge amounts of difference - and they all seem quite nicey nicey give the dog a treat to distract etc... She has got a lovely side though and is getting more cuddly and affectionate all the time - just too full of beans... thinks everyone and everything is a game and just wants to play...
Anyone me got any advice? Anyone got some reassuring words that it’ll be worth it? When will she calm and stop the biting / chewing / twatery!!!!
I'm no expert, but I can see a source of discomfort.Hope it heals soon.
A friend has recently had 2 cats run over, one dead, the other mashed at the waist, she's gone for the expensive rebuild route. The xray looks like a freeform jazz X-ray!
Is she getting enough exercise? Springer/ Retriever cross sounds like 60-90 minutes a day walk and fetch . I'm sure she'll mellow with age