Used to be Swindonseagull
Is it school holidays already?
NSC is full of teenage problems
NSC is full of teenage problems
Well one of my ex girlfriend mates has sent me this on my facebook. Does anyone know how to report abuse on facebook please?
You better watch your back.... say goodbye to your ugly face and hello to an early grave.... your gonna die!!
Looks like your brown bread now. Just tidy up your personal affairs and wait for the hit.
I have blocked all these type of sites from computer, present company accepted, but this is the only one I use because I support the Albion from so far away.
When the kids say they have to talk to a friend I give them the phone.
Information is best handled on a need to know basis and keep it that way.
Why people feel the need to publish their life story for all to see is frankly beyond me, I would say you deserve what you get and if you don't like it don't do it. Just a poor sustitute for a social life, turn off and go out.
Wont you guys all feel guilty when Kev is found dead...
Why is it the phrase 'f*** OFF U MESS' springs to mind?
Anyone still got that particular spam message discourse floating on their 'puter anywhere?