That's an amazing score. Only Bakero knows the answer to your question!New high score 489! Does a score over 500 give a new title above ‘Blossom Boss’?
That's an amazing score. Only Bakero knows the answer to your question!
Unbelievable Geoff!Blossom Puzzle, October 12
Letters: D E I L M N S
My score: 524 points
My longest word: 15 letters
Boom. That kind of felt like cheating as it was that same -lessnesses combo that got my last 500. Still, I'll take it and can confirm it's still Boss level.
You're very kind. It was only after I started entering my words that I discovered that there was no "D"! I had all sorts of words based on RECORD, which of course weren't allowed.@Jack Straw I'm very surprised. I had a 5 letter word (all others were 7+) which I put in expecting it to get rejected but it wasn't...
I'm pleased to beat the score of someone with such a high profile in this thread / game.
Also disappointed HOROSCOPER(S) wasn't allowed.
Impressive!!Tough today
Blossom Puzzle, December 17
Letters: A E K S R T Y
My score: 343 points
My longest word: 11 letters