Slipping, I got 243 today….Yep just the 189 for me today
I'm by no means an expert, but I've found these tactics helpful;Tried this a couple of times now and quite like it but clearly out of my depth surrounded by these scores:
Blossom Puzzle, July 7
Letters: D E L I N S T
My score: 201 points
My longest word: 8 letters
Play Blossom:
Blossom, a daily word game
Blossom is a word game in which you use seven letters to make only 12 words. Longer words score better, and bonus letters and pangrams earn extra
Thanks, I realised after my first attempt the highlighted letter can change which helped yesterday.I'm by no means an expert, but I've found these tactics helpful;
Make sure you use the highlighted letter for bonus points.
Remember that you can use the letters as many times as you wish. One of my best words a few weeks ago was CLASSLESSNESSES. Multi-use of 3 letters.
Take your time and shuffle the letters for five minutes before you start, making a few little words in you head.
Aim for eight letter words or more.
See if you can extend the word you've thought of by perhaps adding an S, NESS, INESS, ED, IER, ESSES, etc on the end, depending on the letters available of course.
See if you can extend the word you've thought of by perhaps adding UN, DIS, ANTI, DE, etc at the beginning of the word, again of course, depending on the available letters.
Make a 3 or 4 letter word, and see if there's something that goes at the front or the back of it, eg SIDE. Then you could add BROAD at the front of BURN at the end, again, depending on the letters.
If there's a Q, X or Z, save a word with this letter in, ready for when it's highlighted.
I promise you that the more games you play, the better you'll get.
There's probably loads more tips people can add.
Keep going, and good luck!
Better than me, most difficult one yet imo, just 141Shocker today.
Blossom Puzzle, July 20
Letters: E H I S M P U
My score: 193 points
My longest word: 10 letters
Play Blossom:
Blossom, a daily word game
Blossom is a word game in which you use seven letters to make only 12 words. Longer words score better, and bonus letters and pangrams earn extra