I think we can all agree that we hope it gets better when RTD comes back. I'm not avidly watching the latest lot of episodes including the ones at Xmas - In part due to my wife offering commentary on how bad she finds JW whenever she walks in the room - but they've been average at best.
As an aside, You have a point that some episdoes can be better / worse on a 2nd viewing. I never realised how annoying Martha Jones was (She was obviously bonused on how many times she shouted DOCTOR) and Tennant's portrayal of the Doctor like he'd always had about 3 pints was grating after a while but it all seemed to work at the time. Equally caught some Capaldi stuff that is actually very good. Unfortunately, I think this run will be "bad at the time and bad in hindsight"
We will see. Roll on the new bloke. Tennant and Tate less so.