Seaweed! Seaweed!
Yes, socially .
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An honest answer....
Yes, socially .
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My mother is 85 and still smokes, and doesn't have any more health issues than another person of that age. She always offers me 1 when I make a visit, which I accept.
It is a gamble, like trying to climb Everest, or parachute jumping, but you enjoy it and accept the risks.
A lot of people who have never smoked died a lot younger than my mother is today.
Gave up about 4yrs ago. Smoked for 22yrs, woke up one morning and decided I didn't fancy it any longer, threw them in the bin and gave up. Didn't need patches or e-cig or anything, found it really easy.
Feel healthier for it and save plenty of cash so it's win win. Plus I don't stink like a tramp anymore.
I answered no but I do pilfer smokes from people when I'm drunk. I've always said you're only a smoker if you buy your own.
I,it would seem,somewhat harshly and in light of this new damning evidence (well loss of memory really) accused @ Herr Tubthumper of being the "worst type" a few posts back....
Well my Euro loving Germanic slips to 2nd place...YOU ARE THE DEVIL OF SOCIAL SMOKERS!!!!![]()
Why do you say that?
This'll make me even more of a devil: I don't even smoke all of it when I manage to get one. Just half or so. Filthy habit.
I really am awful.
I never stood a chance, I was always going to be a smoker.
I am not blaming anyone it's up to me to give up, indeed I did for 13 years but this is why.
My mum smoked, she used to send me to the shop to buy them for her. I would buy her 25 JPS in a tub for Christmas.
I went to my nans after school she smoked as well so did my grandad, l used to love and sniff in the smoke from the cigarettes when they were all smoking at home.
One summer holiday I would collect off the street as many different brands as I could find.
So when I was offered a fag for the first time(I even remember who that was) it was obvious I was going to smoke it.
In those days you had sweet cigarettes and play cigarettes with a red bit on the end that blew fake smoke.
Shops would sell you cigarettes, no questions asked and cigarette vending machines were on the wall outside many shops.
A lot of people smoked, on TV as well it was quite a cool thing to do.
We even smoked in the school playground, most of the teachers smoked as well.
You could smoke on trains, planes, even the underground in London.
Pubs were full of smokers.
I gave up for 13 years, I always wanted to be able to smoke the odd Havana now and again which I managed to do.
But stupidly I went onto small cigars then roll ups which I still smoke.
I don't want to, I know it's stupid but you know what, I enjoy it.
But I don't seem to have the will power that I once had to give up.
As I said no ones fault but my own but when I was a kid smoking was almost a way of life and once addicted it is tricky to give up, but many have done it, maybe I will try again.
Gotta go now, I need a fag.
Never quite as black and white as it appears though is it? I'm quite pro-smoking, have been an occasional social smoker for decades and for me I'd rather smoke and take the risks associated with doing that than partake of some naff, half way house that is vaping, no matter how much safer it may apparently be. I just don't see the appeal or get why people would want to walk around sucking on those absurd devices looking like an extra from the Star Wars Cantina unless it was as a temporary measure to wean yourself off smoking.
I can't remember reading such an evocative post. Virtually everything you said applied to me. No wonder we smoked ! I had completely forgotten about the packets of sweets cigarettes you could buy and the ones that you could blow 'smoke' out of them.
I will never be an "ex-smoker". It so happens I haven't had a ciggie for 1029 days and I doubt I will have one today. Tomorrow ?...who knows. If someone told me I could NEVER have another cigarette, I would be absolutely craving for one.
To all smokers reading this thread, good luck if you carry on smoking and very, very good luck if you have a go at not smoking for a while. I simply cannot abide the 'Holier than thou Brigade' on here and in society who condemn smoking, yet will happily get in a diesel engine car and pollute the air. Or who drink to excess....or take drugs....or who breathe garlic all over me ( I love garlic)....or who fart in enclosed spaces......or who don't wash....or clean their teeth...or have smelly feet. Jesus wept, the list is endless.
Well said.Because he's a bellend.
I vape, by the way, having smoked, on and off, for many years. Never felt healthier.