- Feb 23, 2013
- 5,183
I think no.
But seriously, yes they do exist. I cannot deny what I have seen and heard with my own eyes and ears.
Why aren't there ghost of seagulls or prawns, why should only humans be afflicted with spirits, souls and stuff.
I abosolutely LOVE paranormal shit, I spend hours at work listening to bizarre podcasts about all that stuff, it makes the world colourful and some of the characters they have as guests are either fascinating or straight amusement. Having said that, as someone who has spent plenty of time also doing music production I can safely say that EVPs are absolute guff on a level with orbs.
There are so many explanations it's hard to know where to begin really, but noise floors on handheld recorders, cross modulation, ground loops, crappy inbuilt noise cancelling software on said recorders, mic sensitivity levels..... I could knock you up an EVP in whatever sitation you want if I wanted to using any of my field mics. Technical stuff aside, our brains top it all off by making patterns out of nonsense and believing what we want to believe or expect to hear.
I've had an "experience" though, went to pluckly with some mates about 10 years back to camp in the woods. I saw something I've struggled to reason with myself with, I dunno what it was, but the juries still out for me on ghosts. The kid in me would love to see something concrete.
Where on earth would you be likely to bump into a ghost prawn?
I don't think I've ever seen Perth used in the context of a progressive statement![]()
EVP's have nothing to do with illusionism, pranksters, fraudsters and charlatans.
It's a simply recording evidence for analysis of unexplained phenomena. To attempt to explain such phenomena.
Many years ago I recall talking to a fella in the army who spoke of real hard nuts being scared shitless when on guard duty at the tower of London.
Ghosts? Cannot say. I have lived in houses that have had a bad vibe to them, I've lived in houses that have a pleasant vibe and houses that are neutral. Could simply have been my frame of mind or how my life was going at the time that left a feeling about a place you lived in during those times. Who knows.
I have experienced some odd things in one house that had a bad vibe. Sleep paralysis, night terrors, feelings of unease. Never had those anywhere else.
I know people who aren't nuts or prone to telling lies who've seen ghosts. Don't know what to make of other than I see no reason to disbelieve. An absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence...
Don't tell me that as I have to go there next year for my sons wedding!
I assume you mean Pluckley in Kent, supposedly the most haunted village in England. Won't you elaborate? I love a good ghost story!
Because it's obvious.
They sure as hell ain't ghosts.
It's a fact.Which is only a personal opinion.
None.How many EVPs have you listened to?
I've listened to hundreds over the years.