I wasn't sure whether to love this or LOL it, as both are accurate.It's not a f***ing leap year. Fact.
It's a bissextile year.
You wet ponce.
Edit: was that too aggressive? I find it hard to judge these things.

I wasn't sure whether to love this or LOL it, as both are accurate.It's not a f***ing leap year. Fact.
It's a bissextile year.
You wet ponce.
Edit: was that too aggressive? I find it hard to judge these things.
Indeed. I can't see how it was a 'debate' as such, it's on a par with debating what day of the week it is.Surely for this to be a debate, somebody has to argue that it isn't, in fact, a leap year.
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.Indeed. I can't see how it was a 'debate' as such, it's on a par with debating what day of the week it is.
Anyway, if you take the Julian calendar, factor in the date of the Russian Orthodox Christmas, allow for Relativity when working out the earth's orbit, work out how many new moons there have been since Candlemass, add in the location of the Cup Final money and you can prove that, no it isn't a leap year. The only reason it they're calling it one is because they'd already printed all the calendars, diaries etc before someone worked it out.
Yeah, Olympics innit.
Plus we put a date on everything we make at work
yup.. a best mate can have a proper birthday!Did you realize it was a leap year this year?
A mate pointed this out to me in the pub. Everyone on a salaried job is getting paid less this year.Hold on, have I got this right?
So Rishi has added a day on to February so we all have to work an extra day. When did he do this, was it sneaked in during the Israel ceasefire debate? Has the Roma game been moved to Friday?
You, sir, understand the proper nature of a pub debate!A mate pointed this out to me in the pub. Everyone on a salaried job is getting paid less this year.
Not really cricket given there is a cost of living crisis going on and with a general election coming up as well.
Plus why have it in February when we got an additional day of having the heating on. Why not June?