Attila's poem, reproduced WITHOUT his kind permission...
When you turned up at our meeting
The atmosphere was manic
We held it at the Concorde
But it felt like the Titanic!
The Albion ship was sinking
Our loyal crew was there
On the lookout for a captain
With a bit of cash to spare....
You sailed in to the gathering
With your trusty sidekick Mart
Promised us a new beginning
Showed the passion in your heart
So we headed up to London
(To the bloody CBI!)
And together took on Archer -
Looked the bastard in the eye.
We beat him, sent down Hereford
And in exile simply said
‘We are coming back to Brighton’ -
Our opponents turned and fled.
No, it wasn’t quite that simple
But we did it all the same
Then came glory under Micky -
And now Falmer was our aim....
So you became our Sisyphus.
Our stadium was your boulder.
But each time it rolled down the hill
It went back on your shoulder.
The Nimbys, snobs and bat-spotters
Were done, not once, but twice -
You made our dream reality.
A shame about the price.
You gave your time, your guts, your love
(And, yes, a few quid too!)
And every single Albion fan
Knows what we owe to you.
So lead us out at Falmer, Dick.
We’ll meet you at the gate.
The one and only millionaire
I’m proud to call a mate!

brilliant poem. and a fitting tribute.