Score Immediately!
got an isle seat...chaps to left seem nice...three in front left 10 mins before game...a few further down row seem to have a bladder problem ...early days
Yeah I agree pal, the goalkeeper's a c@#t gag is boring!!
Christ leaving 10 mins before game. What a waste of a season ticket. I suppose if you leave before it starts and its crap, you have'nt wasted your time and have nothing to moan about.![]()
In front of me ?
To the left - my dad. He sings and swears at the ref a lot, and on the other side of him someone I went to school with and his dad.
Behind - a couple of Uni lads, one of which is on here but I can't remember his username exactly. Something like Agerbomb.
In front - a girl a few years younger, her dad and her older brother? Her older brother stands up and sings a lot.
The right - a girl and her dad who live in Devon/Cornwall and come up for a few games a season, but if they're not there they sell their tickets to the people next to my dad, and they bring other friends on a match-by-match basis, normally Chelsea fans..
Moved to ESU. To our left - Ted,a pensioner and Birmingham City Supporter (he lives locally, somewhere along the coast). He couldn't get a ticket for the Birmingham match last season, so his wife bought him a season ticket so he wouldn't miss it this season. To our right a Down's Syndrome lad and a family member. Really enjoyed himself. Behind, a noisy bunch of Paddys. In front a mixed assortment of pensioners. Generally, a real mixture of vociferous and silent types.
No, bit further back, the bald bloke in front of you did it once I think?!
Where I sat last night (WSL)
In front 4 old farts who I thought were dead until one of them got up to go for a piss
To my left was a weird guy with his son and daughter who went at half time because they wanted to "beat the rush"...Couldn't make it up!
Classic, really laughed at this
Are you in row P block E?