Well firstly it’s not about pushing it on to people, it’s about educating them and saying ‘hey, all the nutrition you get from meat can be found in plants, it’s better for the environment and no animals need to suffer for it’. At the end of the day the environmental reasons alone should be enough to make people think about their choice in diet. By reducing our meat consumption we could prevent the 2 degree rise in temperatures that would cause an environmental crisis around the world, seeing many species become extinct and the destruction of one of the world’s great beaties, the Great Barrier Reef. If pointing that out is ‘pushing’ my views on people then I despair.
You won't succeed in "educating them" if you invade a restaurant whilst "them" are enjoying their dinner and start intimidating and shouting at "them".
Your post is educational. Screaming at people, intimidating them, causing disruption to businesses is never going to be educational.