What are the odds on Potter making a comeback there? It looks like he was better than Poch at least!
Given our recent experiences with both players and managers I have to accept that there are clubs that can tempt our staff away. If RDZ was offered the Chelsea I would not be surprised if he'd take it.
Stop sitting on the fenceI would.
Man City, Liverpool, Arsenal or Man Utd and he'd go, for sure. All of these are massive clubs that can win everything, if they find the right manager.
Chelsea are f***ed though. Truly f***ed. Boehly has f***ed them for years to come, surely. No manager in their right mind would go there. They f***ed Potter and now they're f***ing Pochetinno. Spending insane money to buy completely random players on insanely high wages and insanely long contracts is an absolute disaster for Chelsea. How can they recover from this?! I think Boehly walzed in thinking that football was as simple as US sports and he could just buy trophies... but instead he has truly carcrashed the whole club.
I would be absolutely SHOCKED if RDZ lacked the intelligence to go to Chelsea, or any top young manager for that matter.
Hopefully if he's even slightly considering it, he has a watch of this to see what a fickle fan base he'd be encountering...